Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contattateci - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contattateci - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Quando il dedicatario è prestigioso, quando la dedica è parte della storia dello scrittore e getta nuova luce sul lavoro ... l'eccezionale autografo riflette un importante evento: la riunione del libro con la storia.
Pagina 57 : Risultati 449 a 456 a 814 Libri
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Corps et biens
Gallimard, Paris 1930, 12x19cm, relié.
First edition, an advance (service de presse) copy.
Half mustard-colored morocco over marbled paper boards by P. Goy & C. Vilaine, spine in six compartments, brown paper endpapers and pastedowns, covers and spine (sunned) preserved, top edge gilt.
Handsome autograph inscription signed [...]
1 800 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Retour d'Alsace
Emile-Paul frères, Paris 1916, 12x18,5cm, broché.
First edition on ordinary paper.
Handsome autograph inscription signed by Jean Giraudoux to André Gide : "... avec gratitude..."
A small tear on the spine slightly cracked on foot.
900 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Tristan TZARA, Hans ARP
De nos oiseaux
Kra, Paris 1929, 13x19cm, broché.
(Hans ARP) Tristan TZARA
De nos oiseaux [Of Our Birds]
Kra, Paris 1929, 13 x 19 cm, original wrappers
First edition on ordinary paper.
Handsome autograph inscription from Tristan Tzara to, firstly, Paul éluard: "à Paul Éluard. Tristan Tzara. [...]
7 500 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
André BRETON & Paul ELUARD, Salvador DALI
Notes sur la poésie
GLM, Paris 1936, 12,5x17cm, broché.
BRETON André & éLUARD Paul & DALI Salvador. Notes sur la poésie [Notes on Poetry]
Glm, Paris 1936, 12,5 x 17 cm, original wrappers
First edition, one of 100 numbered copies on vélin paper, this one not justified, the only grand [...]
7 800 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Thomas Stearns ELIOT
The family reunion
Faber & Faber, London 1939, 14,5x22,5cm, reliure de l'éditeur.
ELIOT Thomas Stearns. The Family Reunion
Faber & Faber, London 1939, 14,5 x 22,5 cm, publisher's binding
First edition.
Grey cloth Bradel binding, dj (three tiny holes and an insignificant tear to upper cover).
With an autograph [...]
3 000 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Le vieux roi
Mercure de France, Paris 1897, 11,5x19,5cm, relié.
First edition, one of 285 numbered copies on alfa et justified by the author in blue color-pencil, the only printing after 15 Hollande.
Bradel binding of paper boards by Thomas Boichot, black morocco title piece, covers preserved.
Handsome autograph inscription by [...]
1 000 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Pastiches et mélanges
Nrf, Paris 1919, 13x19cm, broché sous chemise-étui.
First edition on ordinary paper, despite a false statement of third edition.
Handsome autohgraph inscription from Marcel Proust to René Boylesve.
This copy has a chemise and slipcase (with flaps) of half kaki morocco over marbled paper boards, spine very slighlty faded [...]
8 000 €
Prima edizione, Libro autografato
Henri Groues (dit) ABBE PIERRE
Mémoires d'un croyant
Fayard, Paris 1997, 13,5x21,5cm, broché.
First edition for which there was no large paper copies.
Autograph inscription from the Abbé Pierre to a friend : "A Laurent ensemble."
A very good copy retaining its adverstising slip. Illustrated.
350 €
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