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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 30 : Results 233 to 240 on 415 Books
First edition
L'Autriche, Costumes, Moeurs et Usages des Autrichiens. Suite de gravures coloriées avec leurs ...
Librairie de Gide fils, Paris s.d. (circa 1825), relié.
First Edition Illustrated boards raised in 24 colors, hors-texte, representing chest and dressed in different costumes of the era Austrian.
Bound in half morocco Russian red, smooth spine stamped with jewels and gold as cold, flat with double frame stamped cold sets in and the net roulette, [...]
700 €
First edition
Tableaux de détermination des coléoptères d'Europe comprenant les Dysticidae et Gyrinidae
Imp. spéciale des Miscellanea, Narbonne 1905, 15,5x21,5cm, relié.
First Edition printed few that pulled part.binding half sheepskin burgundy, flat spine decorated with nets cold boards marbled paper, paper contreplats guards and the marginal cuve.Manque headers of all pages in the volume without any interference with the text. --- Please note that the translation [...]
80 €
Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, vers le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l'ère vulgaire
Lebigre frères, Paris 1819-1834, 13x21cm pour les volumes de texte & 19x25,5cm pour l'atlas, 6 volumes reliés.
New edition. Binders half sheepskin eggplant, smooth back slightly past adorned with gold, small traces of rubbing on some back arabesques, golden wheels on the caps, caps threadbare with some few small gaps, framing a golden thread on the boards with a romantic setting-stamped, gilt laurel leaves [...]
500 €
First edition
L'Ecosse pittoresque, ou suite de vues prises expressement pour cet ouvrage par MM. T. Allom, W.H. ...
Virtue et Ferrier, Londres & Paris 1838, 2 tomes en 2 Vol. in 4 (21x27,5cm), relié.
First Edition, illustrated with two engraved titles (in English), a colored plate and 117 inset steel (with serpentes) by Allom, Bartlett, and M'Culloch, engraved by Griffiths, Varrall, Prior, etc. . Stunning artwork, English writers were at this time particularly prized for their quality [...]
1 200 €
First edition
Tableau historique et politique de la Suisse, où sont décrits sa situation, son état ancien & ...
Chez Lottin le jeune, Imprimé à Fribourg & se trouve à Paris 1766, in-12 (10x16,5cm), relié.
Original French edition, translated from English by Jacques Rebauld Chapel (Barbier). Full mottled calf time. Back tooled raised. Part of title in black morocco. Caps restored. A thin slit in the lower joint first. Stanyan lived in Switzerland from 1705 to 1714. Haller enjoy the presentation [...]
400 €
First edition
Tableaux analytiques pour déterminer les coléoptères d'Europe
Direction de la revue scientifique du Bourbonnais et du centre de la France, Moulins 1890-1891, 14,5x22,5cm, 2 volumes brochés.
Originale.Tome 1 Edition: Wights: Platypsillides, leptinides, burying beetles, anisotomides, clambides.Tome 2: Colydiides, rhysodides, complete copy trogositides.Agréable two volumes.Tampon foot library in the first board of the second volume. --- Please note that the translation in english is [...]
120 €
First edition
Erich Martin HERING
Bestimmungstabellen der blattminen von Europa einschliesslich des Mittelmeerbeckens und der ...
Uitgeverij Dr. W. Junk, s'Gravenhage 1957, 15,5x24,5cm, 3 volumes en reliure de l'éditeur.
Originale.bindings Edition Editor open brown cardboard, smooth back, heads marrons.Ouvrage illustrated 725-texte.Bel figures out copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
350 €
First edition
Cinq années de séjour aux îles Canaries
A. Hennuyer, Paris 1891, 14,5x23,5cm, relié.
First Edition. Bound in black half shagreen, spine tooled raised four golden finials, frames cold nets on flat cardboard lees of wine, first board hit the crest of the College Rollin Paris, guards and contreplats of handmade paper . Illustrated book of 42 engravings and complete its 4 well plates [...]
380 €
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