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Verses and prose

Page 162 : Results 1289 to 1296 on 1478 Books

First edition, Signed book


Visages (rostros)

Ediciones Botella al mar, Buenos Aires 1951, 15,5x23,5cm, broché.

Bilingual Edition, the French translation has been done by the Spanish-speaking poet Rafael Alberti.
Bel autograph signed Gloria Alcorta to the singer Jane Bathori who was the companion of the actress and theater Andrée Tainsy woman.
Book adorned the author of [...]

300 €

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First edition, Signed book


La gloria desolada

D. Francisco A. Colombo, Buenos Aires 1949, 16,5x24cm, broché.

First edition, one of 200 numbered copies on Pergament, one draw with 15 Fabriano paper Magnani.
autograph dedication of the author signed autograph Tristan Fernandez to the singer Jane (Batory) and his partner the actress and theater woman Andrée (Tainsy).
First lightly shaded flat head.

200 €

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First edition, Signed book


La statue désertée

Chez l'auteur, Paris 1952, 16,5x24cm, broché.

First edition, one of 500 numbered copies on vellum Monfourat only draw after 33 leading copies.
autograph dedication of the author autograph signed by René Mébard to cantarice Jane Bathori who was the companion of the actress and theater woman Andrée Tainsy.

70 €

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First edition, Signed book


Hymnes à la présence solitaire

Les cahiers du sud, Marseille 1950, 14x19cm, broché.

First edition, one of 500 numbered copies on vellum Monfourat only draw after 33 leading copies.
autograph dedication of the author autograph signed by René Mébard to cantarice Jane Bathori who was the companion of the actress and theater woman Andrée Tainsy.

70 €

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First edition, Signed book


L'arbre et l'horizon

A l'enseigne de l'homme méditant, Nancy 1949, 17x19,5cm, en feuilles.

First edition, one of 500 numbered copies on vellum Monfourat only draw after 33 leading copies.
autograph dedication of the author autograph signed by René Mébard to cantarice Jane Bathori who was the companion of the actress and theater woman Andrée Tainsy.

60 €

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First edition, Signed book

Jorge Enrique MOBILI


Imprenta Balmes, Buenos Aires 1948, 16,5x24cm, broché.

Edition of wich no leading copies exists.
autograph dedication of the author autograph signed by Jorge Enrique Mobili in the singer Jane Bathori who was the companion of the actress and theater woman Andrée Tainsy.
Our copy is enriched by the author's business card.

300 €

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First edition, Signed book

Jorge Enrique MOBILI

La raiz verdadera

Talleres graficos Alamos, Buenos Aires 1947, 16,5x24cm, relié.

Edition of wich no leading copies exists.
autograph dedication of the author autograph signed by Jorge Enrique Mobili in the singer Jane Bathori who was the companion of the actress and theater woman Andrée Tainsy.
Our copy is enriched by the author's business card.

200 €

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First edition, Signed book


Prière aux mains coupées

Les écrivains réunis, Paris 1930, 14x19,5cm, broché.

First edition, one of 450 numbered copies on Alfa paper, only 25 leading copies after Japan and 25 Holland paper.
autograph dedication of the author signed autograph of Charles Plisnier to the actress and theater Andrée Tainsy woman.
Nice copy.

60 €

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