Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 84 : Results 665 to 672 on 1109 Books
First edition
Joseph Edouard, de LA MOTTE ROUGE
Souvenirs et campagnes. - 1ère série : Empire - Restauration - Règne de Louis-Philippe. - 2ème ...
P. Lethielleux, Paris 1895, 14,5x23cm, 2 volumes reliés.
First edition.
Braided bindings in half percaline Siena, smooth backs adorned with gilded florets, double gilded nets in tail, marbled paper plates.
Ex-donos at the pen of a previous owner of the book on the pages of the title, some foxinges
The second volume is adorned with 3 folding cards.
100 €
Traditions et souvenirs touchant le temps et la vie du général Auguste Colbert 1793-1809 par le ...
Garnier frères, Paris 1882, 12x19cm, 3 volumes reliés.
Second edition.
Bradel bindings in half cloth.
Ink ex-donos from a former owner on the half-title pages, occasional foxing.
600 €
First edition
La tactique et la discipline dans les armées de la Révolution. Correspondance du général ...
R. Chapelot & Cie, Paris 1902, 16,5x26cm, relié.
First edition.
Binding in half percaline Siena bradel, smooth back decorated with a golden floral pattern, double gilded nets in tail, title piece of black shagreen, marble paper plates, guards and contreplats of orange paper, Contemporary binding.
Ex-dono pen of a previous owner of the [...]
230 €
First edition
Eugène de CIVRY
De l'armée française, sa mission et son histoire (496-1852)
Ledoyen, Paris 1852, 14,5x23cm, relié.
First Edition published anonymously.
Binding in half red percaline, smooth back very slightly faded adorned with a golden floret, double gilded nets in tail, title piece of black shagreen, boards of marbled paper, guards and contreplats of orange paper.
Ex-dono pen of a previous owner [...]
200 €
First edition
Jérome Romand, capitaine LAUGIER
Les cahiers du capitaine Laugier. De la guerre et de l'anarchie ou mémoires historiques des ...
Imp. & lith. J. Remondet-Aubin, Aix-en-Provence 1893, 15,5x23,5cm, relié.
Rare and sought after first edition.
Binding in half percaline Siena land, smooth back adorned with a golden floral pattern, double gilded nets tail, flat marbled paper, Contemporary binding.
Ex-dono at the pen of a previous owner of the book on the page of false title, a few small foxinges [...]
500 €
First edition
Honoré de BALZAC
Le dernier chouan ou la Bretagne en 1800
Urbain Canel, Paris 1829, 10x17,5cm, 4 volumes reliés.
Very rare and highly sought-after first edition of Balzac's first novel signed by his name. Published a small number of copies, this first novel whose original title is inspired by the last of the Mohicans James Cooper, reappeared, reworked in 1834 under a new title: The Chouans .
This [...]
14 000 €
First edition
Ferdinand LECOMTE
Guerre d'Espagne. Extrait des souvenirs inédits du général Jomini (1808-1814)
Librairie militaire Baudoin & Cie, Paris 1892, 14,5x23,5cm, relié.
First edition.
Binding to the half-percaline bradel Siena land, smooth back decorated with a golden floret, double gilded nets tail, marbled paper plates, a blunt upper corner, Contemporary binding.
Ex-dono pen of a previous owner of the book on the page of the title, some foxing affecting [...]
350 €
First edition
Un officier royaliste au service de la République d'après les lettres inédites du général de ...
Librairie générale, Paris 1876, 14,5x23,5cm, relié.
First edition.
Binding to the half-percaline bradel Siena, smooth back decorated with a golden floral pattern, double gilded nets tail, flat marbled paper.
Ex-dono pen of a previous owner of the book on the page of fake title, important foxinges.
200 €
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