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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 2 : Results 9 to 16 on 39 Books
First edition
Pierre LOUYS
Les chansons de Bilitis
Société du Mercure de France, Paris 1898, In-8 (14x22,7cm), relié.
Edition en partie originale, contenant 52 pièces inédites sur 158. Un portrait de Bilitis par Albert Laurens en frontispice, d'après le buste polychrome du musée du Louvre. Un des 550 exemplaires sur vélin, n° 445.
Reliure en demi chagrin brun à coins signée Champs-Stroobant en haut de [...]
700 €
First edition
Lettre du Baron de Petdechèvre à son secrétaire au château de Saint-Magloire
Pierre Cailler, Genève 1949, 13x19,5cm, broché.
Edition originale, un des 1000 exemplaires numérotés sur vélin chamois.
Suivi de deux dessins inédits.
Texte que tout le monde n'attribue pas à Rimbaud.
40 €
Jean-Baptiste Marquis de BOYER D'ARGENS
Memoires et lettres de M. le Marquis d'Argens
Aux dépens de La Compagnie, à Londres 1762, In-12 (9,5x16,2cm), 340pp., 2 parties en un volume relié.
New edition, after the original published in 1735.
Binding in full brown sheepskin contemporary. Ornate nerved back. Piece of blond calf title. A lack in mind. A blunt corner. Frictions. Browning on the margins of the first 2 sheets.
280 €
First edition, Signed book
Correspondance de Paul Roulier-Davenel
Dorbon l'ainé, Paris 1910, 18,5x24cm, broché.
first edition on current paper.
Back slightly insolated without gravity and with a lack in the head.
Autograph dedication signed by Sacha Guitry to Sam Aron.
300 €
Les Bigarrures, et Touches du Seigneur des Accords ; Le Quatriesme des Bigarrures du Seigneur des ...
Par Jean Richer, A Paris 1608, in-12 (8x14cm), (12f.) 181ff. (1f.) ; (4f.) 50ff. ; 64ff. ; 59ff. ; 59ff., 5 parties en 2 volumes reliés.
New edition, after the first collective of 1606; The Bigarries were published in 1585, and the fourth book, separately in 1588. The printer's marks on the 5 pages of titles. A portrait of the author in Les Bigarrures , repeated in the Fourth Book , 16 medallion signs in the [...]
1 600 €
First edition
De amoribus Pancharitis et Zoroae, poema eroticon seu Umbratica lucubratio De cultu veneris
Apud Molini, Parisiis 1798 (An VI), In-8 (13x20,5cm), xxiv, 286pp. (2), relié.
First edition, rare. An allegorical frontispiece signed Clément. Print on vellum.
Binding full red morocco long grain glazed contemporary in the style of Derome. Smooth back decorated with 7 nets, title and date golden. Double cold framing thread on the plates with small angular irons. [...]
500 €
Adrien de MONTLUC Comte de CRAMAIL
Les jeux de l'inconnu
Chez Charles Osmont, à Rouen 1637, In-12 (10x16cm), (12) 338pp., relié.
New edition, rare, after the premiere of a rare insignia published in 1630.
Binding full marbled brown calf XVIII. Back with ornate nerves. title label in red morocco. Headdress torn off. Lack of tail. Upper joint open in tail and head. Lower joint split at the top. 3 blunt corners.
1 500 €
Clotilde de SURVILLE
Nepveu, Paris 1824, In-8 (13x21cm), 312pp., relié.
Second illustrated edition of a Gothic mausoleum frontispiece, 5 elegant etchings out text in neo-Gothic frames according to the drawings of Colin, pupil of Girodet, 4 thumbnails in mind. Four sheetlets of H. Berton's scores for the setting of Verselets to my firstborn, Stances from the chastel of [...]
550 €
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