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The conquest of the stars

Page 4 : Results 25 to 32 on 50 Books

First edition, Signed book

Filippo Tommaso MARINETTI

La conquête des étoiles

Sansot & Cie, Paris 1909, 14x17cm, broché.

First edition on ordinary paper, falsely stated third edition, qui fut utilisée pour le service de presse, il n'a été tiré que 5 Hollande en grands papiers.
Handsome full-page autograph inscription, dated, from the author to Marguerite Burnat-Provins.
Two tiny lacks, [...]

1 000 €

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First edition


Petit conte sur Jupiter

S.CM.T.E.B., Paris 1953, 12x18,5cm, broché.

First edition, one of 250 pieces on offset, one run with five out numbered commerce. Illustrations inset. Nice and rare example. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!

60 €

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First edition


Voyage dans la Basse et Haute Egypte : Planche 129. (Figures astronomiques et autres tableaux et ...

Didot, Paris 1803, 39,5x54cm, une feuille.

Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the “Imperial edition” of the Description de l'Égypte, or ‘Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the [...]

150 €

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First edition


Essai sur les principes fondamentaux de la cosmologie

Leiber & Woynicz, Paris & Toulouse 1866, 14,5x22cm, broché.

Originale.Ouvrage Edition illustrated figures in the tiny gaps in texte.Deux top and bottom of the back, tiny marginal tears without missing on the boards, nice intérieur.Rare state. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. [...]

280 €

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First edition, Signed book

Filippo Tommaso MARINETTI

La conquête des étoiles

Sansot, Paris 1909, 13,5x17,5cm, relié.

MARINETTI Filippo Tommaso
La Conquête des étoiles
[The Conquest of the Stars]
Sansot, Paris 1909, 13,5 x 17,5 cm, half black morocco
First edition for which there is no mention of grand papier (deluxe) copies, falsely stated the third [...]

1 500 €

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First edition


Description de l'Egypte. Observations astronomiques faites en Egypte pendant les années VI, VII et ...

Imprimerie Impériale, à Paris 1809, In Folio, 1 - 20p., relié.

First edition of this brief excerpt of the first issue, Section Modern State, the description Egypte.Cartonnage modern parchment cream. Part of title black sheepskin. Copy with great margins, not rogné.Considérations on the instruments and the method used for the observations and astronomical [...]

250 €

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First edition


Les signes dans le ciel

Grasset, Paris 1935, 12x19cm, broché.

First Edition, one of the numbered on Alfa paper. Small pits at the foot of the first guard, otherwise nice copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!

20 €

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First edition

LEGENTIL (delineavit)

DESCRIPTION DE L'EGYPTE. Thèbes. Bybân el Molouk. Tableau astronomique peint au plafond du ...

Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1809-1829, 71x53,5cm, une feuille.

Original, unshaved, full-page etching from the “Imperial edition” of the Description de l'Égypte, or ‘Recueil des observations et recherches faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition française, publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand [A Collection of the [...]

450 €

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