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Page 33 : Results 257 to 264 on 280 Books
First edition
Francisco Paula DE MELLADO
Recuerdos de un viage por España. - Bandido
Establecimiento tipografico de Mellado, Madrid 1851, 15,5x23cm, une feuille.
Original wood engraving enhanced with watercolor and gummed at the time, signed in the plate at the bottom of Clerman droite.Estampe made for "Recuerspine de España por viage a" Francisco de Paula Mellado, an account of his journey through multiple provinces of Spain and overseas in which the [...]
60 €
Chez Arkstée & Merkus, A Amsterdam & Leipzig 1768, 2 tomes en 2 Vol. in 12 (9,5x17cm), XLIV 358pp. et (2) 396pp., relié.
Mention new edition, plus three new and life of the author (already published in 1744, and before that date, the edition included only 10 stories). The half-title of the second volume bears the title various works, these two volumes, although sold separately, could be placed after Dom Quixote in 6 [...]
700 €
Histoire de l'admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche, traduction de Filleau de Saint-Martin ; avec un ...
Delongchamps, Paris 1825, 12,5x20,5cm, 6 volumes reliés.
New edition of the French translation by Filleau Saint-Martin. Half calf bindings marine glossy, smooth spine with floral motifs central, golden heads and tails in strips, traces of friction on the back, back of the sixth volume having a marginal lack of skin, title of the book red morocco, parts [...]
450 €
First edition
Guillaume BERTOUX
Anecdotes espagnoles et portugaises
Chez Vincent, à Paris 1773, 2 tomes en 2 Vol. in 8 (10,5x17cm), 648pp. et 700pp., relié.
First Edition. Full Calf blond contemporary. Piece of red morocco title and volume number in black morocco. 2 corners lightly bumped. Missing page marbled clearance Volume I. A fine copy otherwise. Chronological History of Spain and Portugal in the form of anecdotes, ie short articles. Anecdotes [...]
700 €
First edition
Manuel Joseph de MEDRANO
Vida de la admirable virgen Santa Ines de Monte-Policiano
en la imprenta de Geronimo Roxo, Se hallar en la portaria de Santo Thomas de Madrid 1728, in-4 (14,5x19,5cm), (20) 402pp. (6) 4, relié.
First edition, rare. Title page in red and black. Absent the French and English catalogs, we found only one copy Espagne.Plein Scroll of time. Smooth back. As with the black plume. Laces. Yellowed paper. Back detached part of parchemin.Saint Monte Policiano Agnes died in 1317 Born in Tuscany, in [...]
500 €
First edition
Pedro Roman MELENDEZ
Epilogo de Utrera: Sus grandezas, y hazañas gloriosas de sus hijos
Por Juan Francisco Blas de Quesada, En Sevilla, Impressor Mayor de dicha ciudad 1730, Pet. in-4 (15x20cm), relié.
First edition. Large arms of Utrera on second leaf. Title in red and black with a floral frame.
Contemporary vellum, spine titled in ink (smudged). One tie in good condition, spine partly detached. Traces of glue to final endpaper. A good copy without significant faults, generally fresh.
A [...]
1 400 €
First edition
Geografia de Pablo Neruda
Ayma, Barcelona 1973, 26x29,5cm, reliure de l'éditeur.
First Edition. Publisher's binding in full red cardboard. Icongraphie rich. Complete copy of its pleasant illustrated jacket. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
50 €
First edition
Marquis de LOUVILLE
Mémoires secrets sur l'établissement de la Maison de Bourbon en Espagne, extraits de la ...
Maradan, Paris 1818, in-8 (12x19,5cm), VIII, 384pp. et 371pp., 2 volumes reliés.
First Edition. Half Calf burgundy wedge, 1900; clever pastiche of a binding 1820. spine false nerves decorated flat wheels and nets. Back uniformly thinned without consequence. Good copy. This soldier was appointed head of the French house of Philip V of Spain, the first Bourbon king of Spain [...]
450 €
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