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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 30 : Results 233 to 240 on 436 Books
First edition
Préceptes religieux des Musulmans au point de vue de l'hygiène
Typographie et lithographie Osmanié, Constantinople 1892, 13,5x19,5cm, agrafé.
First edition.
Back with gaps, tears, stains and angular gaps on the boards, exemplary disconnected, second flat flying.
Rare but in the state.
60 €
First edition
Voyage à travers le Turkestan
Société de géographie, Paris 1885, 14,5x23cm, broché.
First Edition printed in a small number of this reprinted from the bulletin of the Geographical Society of the first quarter of 1885.
Back with small gaps, tears, stains and angular gaps on the boards, some internal foxinges.
Rare brochure adorned with a card in fine.
120 €
First edition
La question bulgare. La révolution de Philippopoli du 6/18 Septembre 1885. Les responsabilités
Paul Ollendorff, Paris 1888, 14,5x22,5cm, broché.
First edition.
Split back with gaps, tears and angular gaps on the boards, two wettings on the plates affecting some sheets but not the text.
Rare brochure.
150 €
First edition
Devant Constantinople
S.n., s.l. 1919, 13x20cm, broché.
First Edition printed to a small number of this reprinted from The Blue Magazine of December 28, 1918 and January 11, 1919.
Small spots in the corners of the first cover boards marginally discolored, pleasant interior state.
Rare work presented under triple mauve covers.
150 €
First edition
Manuel du capitaliste en Turquie
Typographie et lithographie centrale, Constantinople 1874, 14,5x21cm, broché.
First edition.
Important brown wettedness in heads and feet of all leaflets, back waisted and having tears and gaps, tears and angular gaps on the boards.
Rare but in the state.
200 €
First edition
La banqueroute turque
Ernest Leroux, Paris 1875, 13,5x22cm, broché.
First edition.
Two wetness in heads and feet of all leaflets without interference to the text.
150 €
First edition, Signed book
Les noms de personnes dans l'Ancien Testament et dans les inscriptions himyarites
Société des études juives, Paris 1880, 15,5x25cm, broché.
First Edition printed in a small number of this reprinted from the Journal of Jewish Studies.
A lack at the top of the first board which also has a clear marginal wetness, nice interior state.
Signed autograph dedication of Hartwig Derenbourg at the head of the first board, the name [...]
100 €
First edition
Chanoine LAGRANGE & Marquis de VOGUE
Notre expédition de Pétra. - Inscription nabatéenne de Pétra
Victor Lecoffre, Paris 1897, 16,5x25cm, broché.
New edition.
Tears and small gaps on the back, gaps and angular tears on the marginally insolated boards, nice interior state.
Illustrated brochure of 4 figures in the text and complete of his flying card.
150 €
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