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Page 12 : Results 89 to 96 on 119 Books
First edition
Le guetteur mélancolique
Gallimard, Paris 1952, 12,5x19cm, broché.
First edition, one of 26 numbered copies on Madagascar paper, the tirage de tête.
Illustrated with a frontispiece by Pablo Picasso, preface by André Salmon.
Rare and nice copy despite a small tear in the margin of lower cover.
1 800 €
First edition, Signed book
Victor HUGO
Religions et religion - Exemplaire de Juliette Drouet
Calmann Lévy, Paris 1880, 15,5x24cm, relié.
First edition.
Black half morocco binding, spine with four raised bands adorned with gilt dotted fillets and double gilt compartments decorated at the corners, gilt date and the inscription "Ex. de J. Drouet" at the tail, marbled paper boards and endpapers, preserved covers [...]
18 000 €
First edition, Signed book
Lettre autographe signée à Denise Rollin : « je songe à toi dans cette chambre et à tout ce ...
Paris s.d. [3 ou 4 juin 1940], 20,9x26,9 cm, 2 pages sur un feuillet.
Handwritten signed letter to Denise Rollin: “I think of you in this room and all that will happen there when we are together again.” “ je songe à toi dans cette chambre et à tout ce qui arrivera là quand nous serons de nouveau ensemble.”
Paris s.d[3 or 4 June 1940], 20.9 x 26.9 cm, 2 [...]
4 500 €
First edition, Signed book
Lettre autographe signée à la Comtesse Potocka : « Dites, Madame, voulez-vous un fétiche ? ...
Paris s.d. [début janvier 1884], 10,2x13 cm, 4 pages sur un feuillet double.
Signed autograph letter from Guy de Maupassant to the Countess Potocka, 67 lines in black ink on a letterhead "GM 83, rue Dulong", envelope attached.
This long letter begins with a commission that was made to Maupassant: " I immediately pay for a commission for which I [...]
5 000 €
First edition
Auguste LEROUX, Pierre de NOLHAC
Louis XV et madame de Pompadour
Goupil & Cie, Paris 1903, 25x32,5cm, relié.
first edition, one of the 100 numbered copies on Imperial Japan, drawing of head.
Binding in full red morocco, back with six nerves set with golden fillets and adorned with double golden caissons decorated with typographic golden patterns, date golden in tail, golden wheels on the [...]
1 800 €
First edition, Signed book
Edmond HARAUCOURT (sous le pseudonyme de) LE SIRE DE [...]
La légende des sexes. Pöemes hystériques
Imprimé spécialement pour l'auteur, Bruxelles 15 Avril 1883, 14,5x23cm, relié.
First Edition printed, in two parts, on laid to 200 copies numbered and initialed by the author, ours a copy of the second tranche, only draw after 12 Japan.
Binding half morocco old rose corners, back with five nerves, golden tail date, piece of red morocco title, marble paper [...]
1 500 €
First edition, Signed book
Le théâtre contemporain
L. Frinzine, Paris 1887, 11,5x19cm, relié.
First edition of which there were no grand papier (deluxe) copies.
Half shagreen, contemporary binding.
Autograph inscription signed by Jules Barbey D'Aurevilly to Charlotte Amélie de Musset, sister of Alfred de Musset.
Rare foxing.
2 000 €
First edition
Honoré de BALZAC
Le lys dans la vallée
Werdet, Paris 1836, 12x19,5cm, 2 volumes reliés.
The rare and very sought-after first edition (cf Clouzot).
Contemporary Romantic half green sheep over marbled paper boards, spine with gilt Romantic typographical motifs, gilt friezes to head and foot of spine, marbled endpapers and pastedowns, marbled edges.
Occasional minor spotting, [...]
10 000 €
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