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Music sheets

Page 8 : Results 57 to 64 on 78 Books

First edition, Signed book

Alfred JARRY

Ubu roi

Mercure de France, Paris 1896, 9,5x15,5cm, relié.

Ubu Roi [Ubu the King]
Mercure de France | Paris 1896 | 9.5 x 15.5 cm | half morocco
The first edition with two portraits of Père Ubu drawn by Alfred Jarry.
Half brown morocco over [...]

12 000 €

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Album orné

Branston, London 1840 (S.d), In-4 (24x30,5cm), relié.

Collection consisting of an anonymous hand of chromolithographs, engravings. Many pages with various frames, Gothic, ornamental, intended to receive engravings. Frontispiece in chromolithography enhanced with colors. The papers intended to receive drawings, engravings or chromos are of various [...]

450 €

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First edition


La chaire des curez, ou la vraye methode de bien annoncer les festes aux eglises parrochialles ...

Chez Benoist Bachelu, à Lyon 1652, Fort. in-8 (10,5x17,2cm), (30) 440pp. ; (16), relié.

First edition. A title-frontispiece by Du Roy.

Binding full parchment contemporary. Smooth back mute. Back seams become loose, bringing out the notebooks. Dirt.

250 €

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Clotilde de SURVILLE


Nepveu, Paris 1824, In-8 (13x21cm), 312pp., relié.

Second illustrated edition of a Gothic mausoleum frontispiece, 5 elegant etchings out text in neo-Gothic frames according to the drawings of Colin, pupil of Girodet, 4 thumbnails in mind. Four sheetlets of H. Berton's scores for the setting of Verselets to my firstborn, Stances from the chastel of [...]

550 €

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First edition

Jean-Baptiste Joseph TOLBECQUE & Henri HERZ

[Partitions manuscrites] Recueil de contredanses et de valses

1820, In-18 oblong (15x22,5cm), 27 pp. ; 42-82 pp. ; 1 p. table et 35 pp., 2 volumes reliés.

Jean-Baptiste Joseph TOLBECQUE & Henri HERZ
Handwritten music scores.
Recueil de contredanses et de valses
[Collection of Contra Dances and Waltzes]
1820 | in-18 oblong (15 x 22.5 cm) | 27 pp. ; 42-82 pp. ;
1 p. table et 35 pp. | [...]

2 500 €

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First edition, Signed book

Claude Joseph ROUGET DE L'ISLE

Essais en vers et en prose

De l'Imprimerie de P. Didot l'aîné, Paris An V de la République, 1796, 11x18,5cm, (4) 157 pp. ; 5 pp., relié.

Un des très rares exemplaires enrichi d'un envoi autographe - on en recense moins d'une dizaine - de cette édition originale, comportant la Marseillaise.
Edition originale illustrée d'une gravure hors-texte gravée par Charles-Etienne Gaucher d'après Jean-Jacques Le Barbier et de 4 pages de [...]

9 000 €

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First edition

Louis-Joseph-Ferdinand HEROLD

Airs de ballets composés pour le piano

Chez J. Meissonnier, Paris s.d., 27x35cm, en feuilles.

First edition entirely engraved on Vergé paper. This score comes from Hérold's personal library.
Wet on all the pages without attacking the music, foxing.

80 €

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First edition

Louis-Joseph-Ferdinand HEROLD

Neuvième fantaisie brillante pour le piano sur des thèmes de l'opéra Marie

Chez J. Meissonnier, Paris s.d., 26x33cm, cousu.

First edition entirely engraved on paper Vergé and sewn, annotations in pencil probably by the hand of the composer. This score comes from Hérold's personal library.
Dirty boards, some foxinges.

120 €

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