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Illustrated books from XVIIIth century

The illustrated books of the eighteenth century are among the finest achievements of History. "Age d'Or" of the illustration, the Enlightenment's century was also the one of the Artist's books: Coypel, Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot, Moreau, Oudry, Marillier, Fragonard, Prud'hon...

Page 4 : Results 25 to 32 on 56 Books

First edition

Pierre LE TOURNEUR, François-Anne DAVID

Histoire d'Angleterre représentée par figures

Chez l'auteur & François Anne David, à Paris 1784 - 1800, In-4 (19,5x26,5cm), (4) 194pp. et (4) 211pp. et (4) 116pp., 3 volumes reliés.

First edition, very rare, augmented by a third volume published 16 years later, in 1800, and dedicated to wars in the colonies, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Canada and the American war of independence. She is superbly illustrated with 111 hors-texte engraved figures engraved by François Anne DAVID after [...]

1 800 €

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First edition

Guillaume-Germain GUYOT, François-Anne DAVID

Histoire de France représentée par figures, accompagnées de discours

Chez l'auteur & M. David, à Paris 1787-1796, in-4 (20x26,2cm), (4) 168 pp. et 204 pp. et (4) 200 pp. et (4) 184 pp.

First edition, rare, illustrated with 5 engraved titles and 140 hors-texte figures drawn in red on hard paper, with a specific ornamental border for each volume, corresponding to each era described by each volume. Print on large vellum paper.
Publisher's binding in full blond calf jasped and [...]

2 800 €

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First edition


Anthologie françoise ou chansons choisies [avec] Chansons Joyeuses

1765, in-8 (11,5x18cm), 7 (1) 64 pp. 318pp. ; (2) 317pp. ; (2) 320pp. ; (2) 80pp. 16 pp. (1) 110pp. 16pp., 4 volumes reliés.

First edition illustrated with 4 engravings by Le Mire after Gravelot and a frontispiece portrait of the author engraved by Saint-Aubin after Cochin. Includes the fourth volume Chansons joyeuses, often missing.
Full brown marbled calf binding, motifs tooled in gilt, morocco title [...]

1 200 €

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First edition

Dom Charles Joseph BEVY

Histoire des inaugurations des rois, empereurs, et autres souverains de l'univers, depuis leur ...

Chez Moutard, à Paris 1776, In-8 (12,5x20cm), xvj, 559pp. (5), relié.

First edition, illustrated with 14 beautiful costume boards representing about 80 French costumes from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century.
Binding full brown marbled vintage calf. Back to nerves adorned. Title piece in red morocco. Worthy restorations at the head and tail joints, idem in [...]

700 €

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First edition

Charles PERRAULT & Gabriele FAERNO

Cent fables en latin et en françois, choisies des anciens auteurs, mises en vers latin par Gabriel ...

Chez C. Marsh et T. Payne, à Londres 1744, In-4 (20,5x26cm), (24) 45pp. (1bc.) 238pp. (2), relié.

illustrated Edition. Worms Faerno appeared for the first time in 1564, and the version of Perrault in 1699.

3 800 €

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François Baculard D'ARNAUD

Nouvelles historiques

Chez Delalain, à Paris 1777, Grd. in-8 (14,5x22cm), (4) xxij (2) 486pp. (3) et (4) 404pp. (1), 2 volumes reliés.

First illustrated edition of 3 stamps and 3 figures Eisen Volume I (and 3 engraved music pages) and & figure Marillier, 2 and 3 of Barbier thumbnail Marillier Volume II.
Binders full of veal time scales. Back with nerves decorated. parts of title in red morocco, and volume number in green [...]

450 €

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Chez Les libraires associés, à Paris 1772, in-8 (12,5x21,5cm), (4) cxvi ; 431pp. et (6) 617pp. et (10) 340pp. et (6)

New edition, illustrated with a frontispiece engraved by Picart Winkeles, 2 allegorical figures by van der Meer (the Epistle and the poetic art) and 6 figures after re-engraved by Picart Vinkeles to the lectern, 4 thumbnails title by van der Meer and by F. de Bakker. This edition is also published [...]

600 €

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Françoise de GRAFFIGNY

Lettres d'une Péruvienne

De l'imprimerie de Migneret, à Paris 1797, Grd. in-8 (15,5x24,5cm), 487pp. (1), relié.

illustrated bilingual edition of a portrait frontispiece by Left and 6 beautiful figures by Le Barbier, engraved by Patas, Halbou, Lingée. Printing on vellum paper.
Bound in full sheepskin rooted and ice time. spine smooth ornate coffered 2 grotesque lozenges and 2 large florets. part of title [...]

500 €

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