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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 20 : Results 153 to 160 on 191 Books
First edition
Observations & certificats psychiatriques au XIXème siècle
Ciba, Paris 1985, 21x30cm, broché.
First edition.
Foreword by Professor Yves Pélicier.
A good copy.
40 €
First edition, Signed book
L'Hexagramme. Revue adamite, tête de collection du N°1 de la 1ère année au N°76 de la 7ème ...
L'Hexagramme, Paris Janvier 1907 - Novembre-Décembre 1913, 15,5x24cm, 76 fascicules reliés en 6 volumes.
First edition of this rare magazine mixing poetry and esoteric.
Binders half black cloth, flat spines decorated with gilt double fillets, gilt, marbled paper boards, a board with a scratch guards and contreplats of handmade paper, a few preserved covers, binders of the time [...]
700 €
First edition
Auguste IMBERT
Le démérite des femmes
Paris 1838, 9,5x15,5cm, relié.
First Edition.
Bound in green half shagreen back with four nerves with small scratches, when golden tail, flat marbled paper, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, corners lightly bumped, binding signed Meuthey.
Good book full of his title vignette and its lithographed [...]
150 €
First edition
Madame Baringhel
Fayard frères, Paris 1900, 12x19cm, broché.
First edition, a unique copy printed on pink paper, tirage de tête along with a pale green paper.
A rare and good copy.
1 000 €
First edition
Henri-Jacques DARRORT
Essai graphique de schizanthropie
Editions Louis Parriente, Paris 1980, 28,5x38cm, en feuilles sous chemise-étui.
First Edition printed on laid fewer and adorned with original illusrations of the author.
Shirt-sleeve Editor in full black fabric.
Angular minor hitch inside the shirt-sleeve.
Beautiful copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the [...]
100 €
First edition
Les asiles John Bost à La Force (Dordogne) reconnus par l'Etat comme établissements d'utilité ...
S.n., s.l. 1922, 11,5x15cm, agrafé.
First edition.
Spine and covers marginally sunned, one angular lack to head of upper cover.
70 €
First edition, Signed book
Le mouvement littéraire socialiste depuis 1830
Albin Michel, Paris s.d. (circa 1910), 12x19,5cm, broché.
first edition of wich no leading copies exists.
Bound in marbled sheepskin half hazelnut, thinned slightly back with five nerves, scrapes on jaws, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats paper bowl, cover and spine preserved, contemporary binding.
Signed autograph author Francis [...]
150 €
First edition
La lutte syndicale. Organe officiel de la fédération suisse des ouvriers sur métaux et horlogers ...
Imprimerie coopérative & La lutte syndicale, La Chaux-de-Fonds 1er Janvier-30 Décembre 1944, 34,5x48,5cm, 52 fascicules reliés en 1 volume.
First Edition.
Binding to bradel half black cloth, flat spine, title label pasted at the top with small scratches with light gaps, flat marbled paper.
Rare magazine "The official organ of the Swiss Federation of Metalworkers and watch."
Nice copy. --- Please note that the [...]
150 €
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