Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
This name generally refers to the books from the XVIth to the XVIIIth century enriched with engravings off-text copies sometimes reserved for luxury copies. Always prepared with art, antique books with engravings perpetuate ancestral tradition of illumination.
Page 34 : Results 265 to 272 on 413 Books
First edition
Histoire de la ville de Paris
Chez Guillaume Desprez et Jean Desessartz, à Paris 1725, in-folio (25,5x38cm), (10) cc ; 675pp. et (1) 677-1544pp.
First edition illustrated with a frontispiece engraved by Simonneau according Hallé, 3 thumbnails per Cochin or Simonneau, a large folded map by Coquart and 32 boards, usually folding, due to chisel Hérisset, Lucas or Aveline .
4 000 €
Opus tragoediarum aptissimisque figuris excultum. In quo tria millia errata atque inversa loca ...
Per Bernardinum de Vianis, Impressum Venetiis (Venise) 1522, in-folio (21x31cm), 140ff. Sig.: A-P8, Q-R10, relié.
Very rare edition of the tragedies of Seneca, illustrated with 10 woodcuts in-text (6,5x8cm), the head of each of the ten tragedies. Many initials in black or screened. Text of the tragedy in the center with the comments being distributed around in Roman characters.
Binding open vintage [...]
3 000 €
First edition
Traité des rivières et des torrents. Augmenté du traité des canaux navigables
De l'Imprimerie Royale, à Paris 1774, In-4 (19,5x25,7cm), xxiij-248pp, relié.
Original edition.
Binding in full mottled calf ice time. Back with nerves decorated. As an exhibit in red morocco. Triple mentoring net on the dishes. gilt edges. Beautiful specimen, in a beautiful period binding.
1 200 €
La vie et les actions heroiques et plaisantes de l'invincible empereur Charles V
Chez Jean Malherbe, à Amsterdam 1704, 2 tomes en 2 Vol. pet; in-12 (8x15,3cm), reliés.
New edition, the first being published in 1699 in Brussels to Grieck. An unsigned frontispiece representing the emperor on horseback in battle.
Brown speckled full calf binding period. Back with nerves decorated. Part of title and volume number in brown leather. 2 holes into the first well in [...]
450 €
Pausanias, ou voyage historique de la Grece
Chez Jean-François Bastien, à Paris 1793, 4 tomes en 4 Vol. in-8 (12,7x20,7cm), XIX-(1)-454 pp. ; 431 pp. ; 443 pp. ; 364 pp., reliés.
New edition of the French translation of Pausanias by Father Gedoyn established on the Latin version of Amaseus, published for the first time in 1547. One in 4 edition appeared simultaneously, but it is less common. It is illustrated by 3 folding maps and 3 boards also extendible.
Full marbled [...]
700 €
Marcus Terentius VARRON & CATON L'ANCIEN
Libri de re rustica M. Catonis, M. Terentii Varronis, M. Iunii Moderati Columelle, Palladii Rutilii ...
Venundantur Iodoco Badio Ascensio [Josse Bade], s.l. [Paris] 1529 et 1524 pour les deux textes suivants, in-folio
Libri de re rustica M. Catonis, M. Terentii Varronis, M. Iunii Moderati Columelle, Palladii Rutilii : quorum summam pagina sequens indicabit [with] Macrobii Aurelii Theodosii Viri consularis, in Somnium Scipionis M. Tulii Ciceronis Libri duo, Et Saturnaliorum Lib. VII. Cum scholiis & indicibus [...]
3 500 €
Chez David & Chez Durand, à Paris 1747, 5 tomes en 5 Vol. in-8 (11,2x18cm), reliés.
New edition and first given by St. Mark, with its remarks and comments. It is illustrated
Binding in full mottled calf and then chilled. Back with nerves decorated. As an exhibit in red morocco, and volume number in beige leather. Jaws of Volume I cracked head. Lower jaw of Volume III split [...]
550 €
First edition
Oeuvres de M. l'abbé Spallanzani
Chez Pierre Duplain, à Pavie & se trouve à Paris 1787, in-8 (12x20cm), 3 volume reliés.
First collective edition, bringing Opuscules animal and plant physical and experiences to serve the story of the generation of animals and plants; with an outline of the history of organized beings before fertilization Jezan Sennebier. translation by John Sennebier. The third volume: Experiences, [...]
1 200 €
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