Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
This name generally refers to the books from the XVIth to the XVIIIth century enriched with engravings off-text copies sometimes reserved for luxury copies. Always prepared with art, antique books with engravings perpetuate ancestral tradition of illumination.
Page 14 : Results 105 to 112 on 416 Books
First edition
Histoire de la guerre des Hussites et du concile de Basle
Chez Pierre Humbert, à Amsterdam 1731, in-4 (19,5x24,7cm), (4) xvij (1) 355pp. et (4) 406pp. (17), 2 volumes reliés.
First edition illustrated with 22 title vignettes and 10 portraits engraved by Fillieul and Scottin, and published by his widow Emilie Lenfant. The Dissertation of M. de Beausobre on the Adamites of Bohemia follows the work of Lenfant (258-370p.). 2 title thumbnails. Biography of the author in the [...]
600 €
Claude-François MENESTRIER & Lukas HOLSTE
Symbolica Dianae Ephesiae Statua a Clavdio Menetreio. Ceimeliothecæ Barberinæ Præfecto Exposita ...
Apud Io. Iacobum de Rubeis & Ioannem Baptistam Bussottum, Romae 1688, Pet. in-Folio (22,5x33cm), relié.
New edition, after the first, also published in Rome in 1657. The second text is also on the date of 1688, but not at the same address. A title page for the last part: Io. Petro Bellori notae in numistata tum Ephesia, tum aliarum urbium apibus insignata, without address and place, with a bee in [...]
1 300 €
First edition
John KEILL & Pierre Charles LEMONNIER
Institutions astronomiques, ou leçons élémentaires d'astronomie
Chez Hippolyte-Louis Guerin, à Paris 1746, In-4 (20x26cm), (8) lxiv, 660pp., relié.
First edition
Binding full brown basement contemporary. Back with ornate nerves. title label of brown sheepskin. Upper joint tightly split largely. Lower joint open in tail and head. Rubbed and scratched boards, with some gaps. Corners very dull and trimmed, bare. Scattered bites.
800 €
First edition
Senatus consulti de bacchanalibus sive aeneae vetustae tabulae Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis
Apud Felicem Muscam, Neapoli 1729, Pet. in-Folio (22x32cm), (4) iiij, 221pp. (1) 2Pl., relié.
First edition illustrated with a title vignette depicting a Roman bacchanal engraved by Picini and 2 large folding planks on strong paper engraved by Schmutzer, one with medals and a vase, the second being a fac simile of an epigraph on a bronze plaque, edict of the consul Quintus Marcius on the [...]
700 €
First edition
Selectiora numismata in aere maximi moduli e museo
Apud Antonium Dezallier, Parisiis 1694, (8) 132pp. (15), relié.
First Edition illustrated with an allegorical frontispiece in a portico engraved and drawn by Erlanger, and 59 boards
600 €
First edition
Jacques François GROBERT
Description des pyramides de Guizé, de la ville du Caire et de ses environs
Chez Logerot-Petiet & Rémont, à Paris 1801, In-4, (6) 160pp., relié.
Illustrated first edition of 5 plates (a Mameluke figure on horseback, a view of the Mourat Bey palace, a plan, elevation and a section of the pyramids of Giza) and a large folding map of Cairo.
Binding half marbled mauve modern fawn with small corners. The back is a clever and confusing [...]
1 500 €
First edition
Oeuvres badines et morales de M. *******
Chez Esprit, à Amsterdam 1776, In-8 (12x18,5cm), xij, 205pp. (1) et (2) 206pp. et (4) 475pp., 2 tomes en 3 volumes reliés.
Illustrated edition of 2 frontispieces by Cochin and engraved by Prevost and Choffart.
Binding full brown marbled vintage calf. Smooth back decorated. title labels in green morocco, pieces of tomaison in red morocco. Triple framing net on the boards. Stony slices. Discreet and fine restorations [...]
750 €
Guillaume Thomas RAYNAL
Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les deux ...
Chez Jean-Léonard Pellet, Genève 1781, in-8 (12,5x20cm), xvj ; 348pp. (1) et xij, 378pp. (1) et (4) VII (1) 372pp. (1)
Third and last edition, the best and the most complete as to the text, bringing the number of volumes to 10 against 7 published until then. The work published in a luxurious version, in 4 and in this version in-8. The illustration includes a portrait of Raynal by Cochin (with the mention: The [...]
3 300 €
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