Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
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A drawing ... a girl with a doll ... a dedication "Happy New Year to the Prouvost tribe" ... a provenance, Jean Prouvost ... and a cryptic signature.
Who will be able to identify the artist who painted the painting reproduced on the cover of the edition of the European Education of Romain Gary?
Can you decipher this autograph German Martin Heidegger, on the Essence of the truth?
Saurez-vous identifier ce filigrane ? A votre avis, que représente-t-il ?
Ce chiffre apparaît sur la reliure d'un ouvrage ayant appartenu au peintre Paul Delaroche.
On identifie bien les lettres P et D sur l'un des plats, et ces deux autres lettres, apparemment S et T, sur le deuxième plat.
Saurez-vous nous aider...?
Do you know the owner of this beautiful bookplate the initials "MD", affixed to a book by René Char, the library is on fire?
A complete manuscript of the Fables of Fontaine established under Napoleon, by a prisoner whose identity is not reached us, interned in Pinerolo (Piedmont).
Why the prisoner wrote this in the strange shape? Maybe he has wanted as Sade conceal his captors in the interstices of a wall.
Look, invent, guess, extrapolate ... and share your discoveries!
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