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Page2 : Results 9 to 16 on 153 News

Catalogue January 2023Catalogue January 2023
Catalogue - Catalogue January 2023
20 Janvier 2023

In the spirit of “a-muse-ment” before all else – excuse the pun –
Discover the new Le Feu Follet catalogue and its collection of original editions, manuscripts and photographs featuring Baudelaire, Breton, Camus, Cendrars, Colette, Eliot, Magritte, Musil, Péguy, Rimbaud, Sarraute, Valéry, Vian and all of literature's finest...

Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair 2022 CatalogueBoston International Antiquarian Book Fair 2022 Catalogue
Catalogue - Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair 2022 Catalogue
07 Novembre 2022

The new catalog by Le Feu Follet pays tribute to the body in motion: staged by Loïs Hutton, celebrated by Pavlova, painted by Barbier, sketched by Picabia, photographed by Allégret, illustrated by Iacovleff, exhibited by Colette…
Enough to make Édith Piaf tourner la tête and Cloots, Brissot's and Olympe de Gouges' head fall.

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