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The illustrators of La Gazette du Bon Ton

Word and concepts of the bibliophily

The pure vellum wire

The pure vellum wireThe pure vellum wire
The different types of printing paper

The pure vellum wire

The pure vellum wire, invented by the English publisher John Baskerville, is so named because its lack of plot and grain evokes the ancient vellum skin which preceded the invention of paper and even served time for unique prints for great characters.

Smooth satin, usually perfectly white, it is a homogeneous paper without grain or texture that does not offer to the admiration of the reader for its beauty, but bringing the text clearly and without transparency. "Pure wire" is to say "rich" (but rarely exclusive composition) flax and hemp like the papers of old rags, it is a flexibility that invites a foliation insatiable reading and lends itself ideally to unknown texts discoveries and new authors.

> View our selection of first editions on pure vellum wire.
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