Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris

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Page21 : Results 161 to 168 on 467 News

Catalogue - Catalogue
18 Juin 2020

« Le papier a cela de particulier et d'admirable qu'étant le produit de substances presque sans valeur et souvent de matières de rebut, le résultat d'une trituration de loques et de chiffons, une fois façonné et imprimé, […] il acquiert une puissance sans pareille, une sorte de souveraineté universelle.

Il modifie nos idées et nos croyances, transforme nos mœurs et nos lois, renverse ou restaure les États, décide de la paix et de la guerre : il gouverne le monde, pour ainsi dire. »

(Albert Cim)

Good news !Good news !
Good news !
11 Mai 2020

The bookshop reopens its doors!


The whole team of the bookseller contributes to implementing good hygiene practices to welcome you in the best conditions and ensure your protection.

Catalog of the 2020 Grand Palais virtual fair - Librairie Le Feu FolletCatalog of the 2020 Grand Palais virtual fair - Librairie Le Feu Follet
Catalogue - Catalog of the 2020 Grand Palais virtual fair - Librairie Le Feu Follet
23 Avril 2020

"The Salon of the Grand Palais in April will be virtual, but it will be" would undoubtedly have solemnly proclaimed Malraux to announce the unprecedented form taken this month by the most important international bibliophilic meeting ...


2020 Grand Palais Virtual Fair2020 Grand Palais Virtual Fair
2020 Grand Palais Virtual Fair
23 Avril 2020

"The Salon of the Grand Palais in April will be virtual, but it will be" would undoubtedly have solemnly proclaimed Malraux to announce the unprecedented form taken this month by the most important international bibliophilic meeting ...

The Le Feu follet bookshop is growing!The Le Feu follet bookshop is growing!
The Le Feu follet bookshop is growing!
01 Avril 2020

We have been renovating and arranging the old Le Petit Prince bookstore at 121 boulevard Saint-Michel for several months now, on the border between the 5th and 6th arrondissements.

Today, we are ready to re-open the last independent old bookstore on the historic boulevard, in the heart of the Latin Quarter, which knew the beginnings of the French edition.

Confined, we are there for you!Confined, we are there for you!
Confined, we are there for you!
26 Mars 2020

Our entire team works, each at home, and all questions, orders and requests for expertise are dealt with.

Orders are dispatched regularly (as far as possible by post), without additional delay. We use UPS, at no additional cost, when necessary. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT !

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