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First edition


Histoire généalogique des branches de la maison de Béthune, existantes en Flandre et en Artois, ...

S.n., à Paris 1783, petit in-folio (23x37,5cm), iv, ix, 162 (2) (2) 269p., relié.

Rare first edition, and only edition of this book. Illustrated with numerous tables, a large folding plate depicting the genealogy emblazoned Desplanques, figures blazon in-text and notable feature of this book, 15 medallion portraits "in physionotrace" (process invented by Louis Christian and [...]

1 500 €

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Adrian de LA MOLIERE

Les antiquitez, histoires, et choses remarquables de la ville d'Amiens [Ensemble] Recueil de ...

Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, à Paris 1642, in-folio (22x35,5cm), 409pp. ; 441pp. (1), 2 ouvrages reliés en un volume.

Third and best edition, the most complete, containing edition of the Compendium of illustrious houses of the Diocese of Amiens with its own title page with the date of 1642 Both books were published in less complete versions, respectively in 1621 and 1630 The second book is the location after each [...]

1 000 €

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First edition

Antonio NERI & Christopher MERRET

Art de la verrerie, de Neri, Merret et Kunckel auquel on a ajouté le Sol Sine Veste d'Orschall ; ...

Chez Durand, Pissot, à Paris 1752, in-4 (19,5x26cm), (4) lv (1), 629pp. (3), relié.

First edition, translated by Baron d'Holbach German, illustrated frontispiece of 1 and 15 folding plates on cuivre.Plein Calf time. Back tooled raised. Part of title in red morocco. Flush caps with headbands apparent. The lower jaw flat head split in the first two boxes. Scuffs with gaps on upper [...]

1 500 €

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First edition

Nicolas RAPIN

Les Oeuvres latines et francoises

Pierre Chevalier, Paris 1610, in-4 (16x23,5cm), relié.

First edition of this collection of poems divided into three parts, including Latin poems, imitations in French verse of Horace and Ovid, sonnets, odes, tombs and the two books of Towards measure of Nicolas Rapin (around 1535 -1608). The third part, consisting of 47 pages, contains various pieces [...]

1 300 €

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First edition

Gilles André, seigneur de la Lontière LA ROQUE (de)

Traité de la noblesse, de ses differentes especes.

Chez Estienne Michallet, AParis 1678, In-4 (18x25cm), (24) 490pp. (2), relié.

Edition originale, rare.
Reliure en pleine basane brune mouchetée. Dos à nerfs orné. Titre doré. Un manque au mors supérieur en tête. Frottements aux mors et tête, et coins.
Etude de référence qui se veut exhaustive sur la noblesse, ses origines, ses règles et ses lois, les [...]

1 500 €

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First edition


La Paix de l'Europe ne peut s'établir qu'à la suite d'une longue trève, ou Projet de ...

Chez Chatelain, à Amsterdam 1757, in-12 (9,5x16cm), (1 f. de faux tit.) (1f. tit.) (2f. édit.) xxxviij 244p. xxiv, relié.

First edition, rare. Published with initials only, masking the identity of Chevalier Ange Goudar.
Manuscript ex libris ‘Daumas' to ffep.
Contemporary sheep, spine in six compartments with gilt fleurons as well as a red titlepiece (partly faded). Significant repairs to joints, speckled [...]

1 500 €

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First edition

[ VOLTAIRE] & [Pierre Louis Claude GIN]

Prix de la justice et de l'humanité. [Ensemble] Les vrais principes du gouvernement françois, ...

S.n., Geneve 1777, in-8 (12x20cm), (6) vij, (1) 316pp. (3) ; iv, 120pp., relié.

first editions, rare both Full mottled calf contemporary. Smooth back 4 irons. Parts of title and volume number in red morocco. Triple fillet border on covers. Little lack in mind. Lack the upper joint head. Upper joint split tail. Slight lack tail. Friction. Gin's work is primarily a defense of [...]

1 400 €

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First edition


Histoire du cardinal Ximenès

Chez Jean Anisson, à Paris 1693, In-4 (20x26,5cm), (4) XVIII 659pp. (16), relié.

first edition, rare, decorated with a portrait frontispiece and illustrated Delinck 6 headbands title and 6 tailpieces by Sébastien Le Clerc. Make the title page printer, the lily of Florence.
Bound in full brown sheepskin contemporary. Back with nerves decorated. part of title in red morocco. [...]

1 500 €

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