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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 26 : Results 201 to 208 on 995 Books
First edition
Documents sur le canal des deux mers et la politique de Colbert en Languedoc
Centre régional de documentation pédagogique, Toulouse 1967, 21x26,5cm, broché.
First edition.
Ouvrage illustrated with 15 planches hors texte.
30 €
First edition
Projet de charte du métier de charcutier 1415-1941. Réunis en congrès à Lyon les charcutiers de ...
S.n., s.l. 1941, relié.
Originale.binding Edition Half canvas sand, smooth back, part of title shagreen red with small scratches, flat paper marbré.Ouvrage illustrated two facsimile photographiques.Quelques small foxing on guards, nice interior state. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, [...]
80 €
First edition
Etude botanique de l'étage alpin particulièrement en France
René-P. Colas , Bayeux 1954, 20x26cm, broché.
First edition.
With figures to text and 8 plates hors texte.
A good copy.
70 €
First edition
François Noël Alexandre DUBOIS
Méthode éprouvée, avec laquelle on peut parvenir facilement, et sans maître, à connoître les ...
Chez l'auteur & Cretté, Paris & Orléans 1803, 12,5x20,5cm, relié.
Originale.binding Edition half Havana sheepskin, flat spine decorated with burnished gold, back and jaw jewels rubbed, marbled paper plates, yellow sections, binding of époque.Agréable inner state. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas [...]
100 €
First edition
Antoine Constant SAUCEROTTE
Elémens d'histoire naturelle présentant une suite de tableaux synoptiques, accompagnés de ...
Jules Delalain & Roret & Creusat, Paris & Lunéville 1836, 14x23cm, 3 volumes reliés en 1.
Originale.binding Edition half Havana sheepskin, flat spine decorated with jewels and gold striping, scuffs on covers of marbled paper, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, binding of the full well of his 63 boards époque.Ouvrage ( 10 for the first volume 28 and the second for the last 25) [...]
350 €
First edition
Jean-Baptiste Baron de ROISSARD DE BELLET
La Sardaigne à vol d'oiseau en 1882. Son histoire, ses moeurs, sa géologie, ses richesses ...
E. Plon, Nourrit & Cie, Paris 1884, 17,5x26cm, relié.
Originale.binding half shagreen fir Edition, lightened spine five nerves, whose initials gold has faded into the back foot a bit split and then reattached Length, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper A slightly blunted corner without gravity, binding of époque.Ouvrage [...]
700 €
First edition
Cours sur le tracé et la construction des batteries de toute espèce à l'usage des écoles ...
Imprimerie Royale, Paris 1833, 14x21,5cm, relié.
Originale.binding Edition half brown sheepskin, flat spine decorated with jewels, friezes and gilt part of title sheepskin hazelnut brittle bits, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, marbled edges, binding of 'époque.Ouvrage full well its 7 folding plates [...]
350 €
First edition, Signed book
Raphaël NOURY
[MARINE] Tarifs, d'après le système métrique, pour cuber les bois carrés et ronds...
Imprimerie Impériale, Paris 1808, 19,5x25cm, relié.
First Edition. Bound in full marbled sheepskin, flat spine decorated with jewels and golden friezes, imperial eagle struck gold head back, piece red morocco, two corners slightly bumped, small traces of rubbing on edges, guards and contreplats paper bowl, contemporary binding. Our copy is complete [...]
200 €
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