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Page 177 : Results 1409 to 1416 on 1806 Books
First edition
Chants héroïques et chants populaires des Slaves de Bohême
Librairie internationale Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Cie, Paris & Bruxelles & Leipzig & Livourne 1866, 11,5x17,5cm, relié.
first edition.
Binding half green fir shagreen, back with five nerves decorated with gilded initials of great bibliophile Roger Cormenin repeated five times, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, sprinkled edges, slightly later binding.
Provenance: the library [...]
100 €
First edition
La vierge Marguerite substituée à la Lucine antique, analyse d'un poème inédit du XVème ...
Veuve Adolphe Labitte, Paris 1885, 16,5x25cm, relié.
first edition published anonymously and printed 500 numbered on rod.
Binding half bronze calf, back with five nerves decorated with gilded nets and black, sun and golden crown tail back, traces of friction and a clear wetting on the joints, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of [...]
50 €
Jean-Baptiste de GRECOURT
Oeuvres complètes
Imprimerie de Chaignieau ainé, Paris L'an V - 1796, in-8 (12x18,5), (6) 383 pp. et (6) 363 pp. et (6) 351 pp. et (6) 347 pp., 4 volumes reliés.
New edition, llustrée a portrait frontispiece engraved by Dupréel and eight figures Fragonard son, engraved by Dambrun, Duparc, Giraud young, Pauquet, Lingée, Dupréel.
900 €
First edition
Les sonneurs de sonnets 1540-1866
Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne, Paris 1867, 9x13,5cm, relié.
Edition printed on laid the last work of the author.
Binding half navy blue shagreen, spine past five nerves decorated with black lines, golden tail date marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, gilded head, two corners lightly used, contemporary binding.
Pleasant copy.
100 €
Antoine-Marin LE MIERRE
Oeuvres : Les Fastes ou les usages de l'année [Ensemble] Pièces fugitives
Chez P. Fr. Gueffier, à Paris 1779 et 1782, in-8 (12,5x18,5cm), xvj, 315pp. (1) et x, 286pp. (2), 2 volumes reliés.
Binders slightly later morocco red and green. Back smooth decorated with boxes and gilded florets and a signature "Descham." the bottom of each of the volumes. Golden wheels coaching boards. Golden wheels on the cuts and caps. Fine golden lace coaching paper contreplats to the tank.
350 €
First edition
Evariste PARNY
Porte-feuille volé, contenant Le Paradis perdu, Les Déguisemens de Vénus, Les Galanteries de la ...
Au Magazin de Librairie, à Paris 1805, petit in-12 (9x14cm), 246pp. (4), relié.
Edition originale parue anonymement.
Reliure de l'époque en demi veau blond. Dos à cinq nerfs orné de filets et pointillés dorés, ainsi que d'une pièce de titre de maroquin vert. Toutes tranches dorées.
Recueil de poésies légères et humoristiques, et gentiment libertines. Le [...]
150 €
Les Amours épiques, poëme en six chants
De l'imprimerie de Dentu, à Paris 1806, in-8 (13x20cm), relié.
Contemporary binding in full fair calf camel, signed RP Thouvenin. Back with five nerves decorated with dotted, golden florets and nets, as well as a piece of blue morocco. Punches golden, roulette and Cold mesh coaching boards. Gold lace framing of paper contreplats to cuve.Toutes marbled [...]
250 €
First edition, Signed book
Quintus Horatius Flaccus (dit) HORACE & Jules JANIN
Hachette & Cie, Paris 1860, 8,5x15,5cm, relié.
First edition of the French translation by Jules Janin, one of the few copies on Holland paper which he is no mention, deluxe edition.
Bound in full morocco anthracite, back with five nerves decorated with gilded and crowned figure Hervey Saint Denis repeated five times, gilded wheels on the [...]
450 €
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