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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 5 : Results 33 to 40 on 57 Books
First edition, Signed book
Jacques CHAZOT
A nous deux les femmes
Olivier Orban, Paris 1978, 12,5x20cm, broché.
First edition.
Autograph signed by Jacques Chazot to a friend named Lucien.
20 €
First edition, Signed book
C'est à Alger
J.-C. Lattès, Paris 2002, 13x20,5cm, broché.
First edition for which it was not drawn from great papers.
Minute pits without gravity on white garges.
Autograph dedication signed by Fellag to a close friend: "To Martine with all my tenderness and 1 million kisses."
50 €
First edition, Signed book
Christian LACROIX
Qui est là ?
Mercure de France, Paris 2004, 15,5x22cm, broché.
First edition.
Nice full copy of his trailer.
Autograph dedication dated and signed by Christian Lacroix to a woman named Madeleine enriched with an autograph dedication signed by singer Sapho.
These dedications were made during a conversation organized by Frédéric Mitterrand [...]
120 €
First edition, Signed book
Andrée MARIK
Le Cognac gastronome
A. Descamp, s.l. 1978, 14,5x21cm, broché.
First edition with illustrations by Claude Lagoutte.
Nice copy despite small dirt on the boards.
Autograph tributes signed by Aimée Marik and the managers of the Remy Martin establishments ..
30 €
First edition, Signed book
Nicole duchesse de BEDFORD
Superwoman... ou comment avoir le maximum d'efficacité avec le minimum d'effort
Grasset, Paris 1977, 15,5x23,5cm, broché.
First edition of the French translation.
Iconography, nice copy.
Signed autograph of the Duchess of Bedford to a woman named Marie-Rose.
50 €
First edition, Signed book
Les 300 inévitables
Julliard, Paris 1973, 10,5x21,5cm, reliure de l'éditeur.
First edition for which it was not drawn large papers.
Publisher's binding in full blue cardboard, smooth back, iconography.
Nice copy despite the back very slightly warped.
Autograph signed by Yves Mourousi to Bernard Langlois.
70 €
First edition, Signed book
Un espoir des espoirs
Jean-Claude Lattès, Paris 2014, 12x18,5cm, broché.
first edition for which it was not drawn from great papers.
Nice copy.
Fellag signed autograph dedication to his wife Marianne (Epin) my love that I love forever. For all caresses and future tenderness. Ton Mohand. "
40 €
First edition, Signed book
Voyages dans l'abîme
Arthaud, Paris 1973, 15x20cm, broché.
First edition on current paper.
Binding half blue half shagreen corners, smooth back discolored and brightened adorned with nets and gold friezes, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, gilded head.
Signed autograph of Henri Gheon: "To the [...]
60 €
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