Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 7 : Results 49 to 56 on 102 Books
De la sagesse, trois livres
Chez Barrois l'aîné, De l'imprimerie de Didot l'aîné, Paris 1789, 2 Vol. in-12 (10x16cm), 588pp. et (4) 589-992pp., 2 volumes reliés.
Binders full post blond calf. Back with five nerves decorated with coffered grotesque and parts of title and volume number red and green morocco. Triple net gilded on the boards. Net gilded on the cuts and caps. Golden lace coaching contreplats. All edges gilt.
350 €
C. Cornelii Taciti quae exstant opera. Recensuit J. N. Lallemand
Barbou frères, Lutetiae Parisiorum (Paris) 1793, in-12 (9x16cm), t1. (1f. front.) (1f. tit.) XXI pp. (3p.) 444 pp. et
New edition of the works of Tacitus in Latin, illustrated frontispiece of three and three vignettes engraved on the title pages.
350 €
Nicolas Antoine BOULANGER
Oeuvres de Boullanger
S.n., à Amsterdam 1794, in-8 (12x20cm), (4) 396pp. ; (4) 408pp. et (4) 342pp. (1f. bl.) (4) 366pp. et (4) 374pp. ;
Binders of the time full fair calf. spine smooth ornate coffered and gilded florets and red morocco title of coins and green volume numbers pieces with inlay red morocco. Fine golden lace framing boards. Golden wheels on the cuts and caps.
600 €
First edition
Johann Christian WOLF
Psychologie ou traité sur l'ame, contenant les connoissances que nous en donne l'experience
Chez Pierre Mortier 1745, in-12 (10x17cm), (8) 340 pp., relié.
First french edition
Binding in full brown sheepskin contemporary. Back with nerves decorated. As an exhibit in red morocco. Lack head, same lack tail. Split bits at the head and tail. Corners bumped. Title page with browning in the margins. --- Please note that the translation in english is [...]
800 €
First edition
Guillaume Hyacinthe BOUGEANT
Amusement philosophique sur le langage des bestes [Ensemble] Lettre a Madame La Comtesse D*** Pour ...
Chez Gissey, Bordelet, Ganeau, à Paris 1739, In-12 (9x16,5cm), (4) 157pp. (3) ; 46pp., relié.
first edition. The second book, connected with the first and with only a title wrong (without missing), Aubert is the Chesnaye Hood.
Binding in full brown sheepskin contemporary. Back with nerves decorated. As an exhibit in red morocco. Upper jaw split in head and tail. Corners [...]
450 €
Marcus Terentius VARRON & CATON L'ANCIEN
Libri de re rustica M. Catonis, M. Terentii Varronis, M. Iunii Moderati Columelle, Palladii Rutilii ...
Venundantur Iodoco Badio Ascensio [Josse Bade], s.l. [Paris] 1529 et 1524 pour les deux textes suivants, in-folio
Libri de re rustica M. Catonis, M. Terentii Varronis, M. Iunii Moderati Columelle, Palladii Rutilii : quorum summam pagina sequens indicabit [with] Macrobii Aurelii Theodosii Viri consularis, in Somnium Scipionis M. Tulii Ciceronis Libri duo, Et Saturnaliorum Lib. VII. Cum scholiis & indicibus [...]
3 500 €
First edition
De l'Esprit
Chez Durand, à Paris 1758, in-4 (19,5x26cm), (4) xxij ; 643pp. (1f. priv.), relié.
First edition of the second draw and the first put on the market (it only lists 4 copies of the first issue, it was censored from the beginning of printing Malesherbes).
Bound in full brown sheepskin that time. Back with five nerves decorated with a piece of sheepskin as blonde, coffered and [...]
1 600 €
De domanio Franciae. Libri III
Apud Michaëlem Sonnium, Lutetiae Parisiorum (Paris) 1621, In-Folio (21,5x34,5cm), (12) 498pp. (108), relié.
Last edition, after the first published in 1574 Title page in red and black. Great brand impimeur the title page.
Full sheepskin brown vintage. Spine ribbed ornate. Part of title in brown morocco. Double fillet border on covers. A slight wetness, dry and clear at the top of the center structure [...]
900 €
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