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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 3 : Results 17 to 24 on 101 Books
First edition
Antoine Gombaud MERE
Oeuvres posthumes de M. le Chevalier de Meré
Chez Jean et Michel Guignard, à Paris 1700, In-12 (9,5x17cm), (28) 356pp. (28), relié.
first edition.
Binding in full speckled brown calf. Ornate nerved back. title label in red morocco. 2 slightly blunt corners. Beautiful copy.
3 treatises present in the collection all concern a reflection on the honest man. The fourth is called World Trade. If Faret had already treated [...]
700 €
First edition
La décade philosophique, littéraire et politique
Au Bureau de la Décade philosophique, à Paris 1797 (An 6), In-8 (13x20cm), (2) 577-582p. 576pp. et (2) 577-582p.
First edition of this complete year of La décade philosophique, one tome per quarter.
Binding in half brown contemporary sheepskin. Smooth decorated back. Title and number pieces in red morocco.
400 €
First edition
André Pierre LE GUAY DE PRETMONVAL & Bernard le [...]
L'esprit de Fontenelle. Ou recueil de pensées tirées de ses ouvrages
Chez Pierre Gosse, à La Haye 1744, In-12 (10x17cm), (4) lx (2) 276pp., relié.
First edition, illustrated with a captioned, unsigned frontispiece and a title sticker with the banner banner: Illuminat et foecundat. Title page in red and black.
Dutch binding in full vintage brown morocco. Back to nerve decorated with cold decorated boxes. title label of cold brown morocco. [...]
350 €
First edition
Louis-Antoine Marquis de CARACCIOLI
Lettres récréatives et morales sur les moeurs du temps
Se vend chez Bassompierre & Van dern Berghen, à Paris 1768, In-12 (10x17cm), vj, 270pp. et 229pp. et 236pp. (1), relié.
New edition.
Binding in brown full sheepskin marbled vintage. Back with ornate nerves
250 €
First edition
Gotthardo VISCHL
Disquisitiones in universam philosophiam Aristotelico-Thomisticam
Typis & sumptibus Joannis Baptistae Mayr, Salisburgi [Salzbourg] 1707, Pet. in-4 (15x20cm), (2) 56pp. ; 230pp. ; 139pp. ; 263pp., relié.
Binding vellum tinted red vintage, probably German. Back with nerves richly decorated with irons ly gilded, now cold. boards with gilded decorations composed of a double frame, the first adorned with a roulette with a pattern of birds and branches, the second with various jewels, and a [...]
500 €
Algernon SIDNEY
Discours sur le gouvernement
Chez Josse & Langlois, à La Haye 1793, In-8 (13x20,3cm), (2) XIV, 448pp. et (4) 418pp. (Vi) et (4) 401pp. (7p.), 3 volumes reliés.
New edition, after the first French edition of 1702, the original English dating from 1698.
Binding full brown sheepskin marbled vintage. Smooth back decorated. title labels in pink morocco, pieces of tomaison in brown morocco. Hook with missing tail of volume 3. A hole in the tail of Volume I, [...]
350 €
First edition
Marcus Tullius CICERON
Epistolarum libri XVI ad T. Pomponium Atticum
Sumptibus Blaviorum & Henrici Wetsteinii, Amstelaedami 1684, Très fort in-8 (12x19,7cm), (16) 822pp. ; 284pp. et
First edition
Hardcover full rigid vintage velin. Jansenist smooth back. Title and tomaison with black pen.
600 €
De vita et moribus philosophorum libri X
Apud Haered. Seb. Gryphii (Sebastien Gryphe), Lugduni (Lyon) 1559, 468pp. (19), relié.
New edition.
Binding half ebony eighteenth marbled with small corners. Pink paper on the boards. Back with nerves adorned with nets. title label of beige morocco. Pale freckles marginal. Friction. Good copy.
450 €
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