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First edition

Ambrosius Aurelius Théodorus MACROBIUS ( MACROBE) Macrobius interpretatio in somnium Scipionis a Cicerone confictum. Eiusdem Saturnaliorum libri septem. Haec omnia Nicolaus Angelius

Ambrosius Aurelius Théodorus MACROBIUS ( MACROBE)

Macrobius interpretatio in somnium Scipionis a Cicerone confictum. Eiusdem Saturnaliorum libri septem. Haec omnia Nicolaus Angelius

Philippi Iuntae (Giunta), Florentiae (Florence) 1515, In 8, (24) 279pp. (1), relié.

Rare and precious first edition of Macrobe works by Niccolo Angeli. Editorial information can be found in the colophon, the title page showing only the title in full: Impressum Flor? Tiae opera & sumptu Philippi Iuntae. Anno à natiuitate D. XV. supra mille mense Iulio. Leone Decimo Pontifice. Note the typography in italics and even that of the whole work, particularly ahead of its time, especially compared to France, Germany and England where it will be later imitated, around 1550.7 vignettes in the dream of Scipio, including the representation of the world in 5 climatic zones of Macrobe, a representation which will have lastingly marked the Middle Ages. Full Vellum of the time. Smooth dumb back. Good copy, very fresh. Classical reading of the Renaissance, The two texts brought together in this edition constitute the major works of Macrobius, who lived around the year 400 and about whom little is known except that he was a neo-Platonic and Stoic philosopher who was increasingly opposed to Christianity. more widespread. The idea of the dream of Scipio is extracted from the republic of Cicero in which this one attributes a dream to the young Scipio where a conversation takes place between the deceased heroes of the Republic, and in particular his father and his grandfather. The work is made up of Macrobius' comments, notably on the constitution of the universe. The second text refers to Saturnalia, feast days for the Romans, Macrobius recounts the discussions held in the home of Vettius Praetextatus, the author deals with different subjects, mythological and astronomical, medical, citing many ancient texts. This book has remained an important source for the dating of many extinct texts and it is also one of the most important texts for neoplatonism; and above all, it will constitute a model for the XVIth century which will imitate abundantly this way of exhibiting science.

2 000 €

Réf : 69707



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