Homeri opera graeco-latina, quae quidem nunc extant, omnia [L'Iliade, L'Odyssée, La Batrachomyomachie]
Per Haeredum Nicolai Brylingeri [Brylinger], Basileae [Bâle] 1567, In-Folio (21,5x32cm), (20) 292pp. ; 317pp. (1), relié.
Homeri opera graeco-latina, quae quidem nunc extant, omnia Per Haeredum Nicolai Brylingeri [Brylinger] | Basileae [Basel] 1567 | Folio [21.5 x 32 cm] | [20] 292 pp; 317 pp [1] | contemporary vellum
Stated the third edition, revised and expanded, reprinted from the 1561 edition from the same publisher. Printer's device to title. Colophon on verso of final leaf: “Basileae, Ex Officina Haeredum Nicolai Brylingeri, Anno Salutis M. D. LXVII Mense Martio”. In Greek and Latin, double column, Latin on the left, Greek facing. Index in triple column at front of work. The preface is preceded by an epigram from the Basle humanist Heinrich Pantaleon (1522-1595).
Contemporary calf, spine in seven compartments, decorated with the initials PS and a spray of fleurs de lys, covers with fleurs de lys, initials to center and corners; laurel crown above central initials and large double frieze frame, a.e.g. Colored paper guards replaced in the second half of the 18th or first half of the 19th century, wormhole from leaf 277 growing steadily towards the end, occasionally touching a few letters, restorations to head and tail-pieces, joints, edges of covers and corners.
Rare and early “prize” copy set in a binding with the monogram of the Plessis-Sorbonne College. The custom of “prize books” “flourished in the early 17th century in the large Jesuit colleges, thanks to the purchase of books offered by the highest figures in the province or city. At this time, this ceremony was neither a general practice nor even an annual one in these establishments. It fluctuated according to the generosity of donors. It is only from the years 1730-1740 that it became widespread and tended to be regular and organised.” (in Catalogue d'exposition du fonds Chomarat à la BM de Lyon, 16 June to 26 September 1998).This edition by Sébastien Castellion uses the Greek text of Henri Estienne, with a preface by the latter and a life of Homer by Plutarch. The works traditionally collected at this period were the Iliad, the
Odyssey, the
Batrachomyomachia, and the
Hymns. Sébastien Castellion was a humanist, a Bible scholar and Protestant known for his defense of religious tolerance. He died in Basel in 1563.
4 500 €
Réf : 62223