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Page 75 : Results 593 to 600 on 610 Books
First edition
Notes sur le concile de Trente, touchant les points les plus importants de la discipline ...
Chez Balthazard d'Egmond, Cologne 1706, in-8 (18,5x11cm), (8) 353pp. (1bc) 1f. (41) (1bc) (2)., relié.
Edition originale. Absent à Brunet.
Plein Veau glacé brun d'époque, spine à nerfs orné avec pièce de titre en maroquin rouge. Exemplaire dépourvu de spine-ends , coins émoussés. Mors ouvert en queue le long du premier caisson.
Notes recueillies par Etienne Rassicod, jurisconsulte [...]
500 €
First edition
Le messager de Fontainebleau. Avec les nouvelles et les paquets de la cour
S.n., s.l. [Paris] 1623, petit in-8 (15x10cm), 16pp., broché.
First Edition very rare. Absent the French catalogs, English and Hollis catalog of the Harvard library. Paperback, covered with a paper in his old tank, seventeenth or eighteenth. Pamphleteer and satirist writing on retirement of Louis XIII in Fontainebleau and the political situation inside and [...]
600 €
ERASME & Giovanni Battista EGNAZIO
Vitae caesarum quarum scriptores hi Suetonius Tranquillus, Dion Cassius, Aelius Spartianus, Iulius ...
Froben, Basilae (Bâle) 1546, in-folio (33x22,5cm), (20) 810pp. -70., relié.
Colophon: Basileae per Hieronymvm Frobenivm and Nic. Episcopvm mense Septembri, MDXLVI. First edition. Adorned with many historiated initials. Brand of printer on the title page and the back of the last page. Absent the French catalogs, but this in English catalogs, 2 copies in Germany GBV (union [...]
1 100 €
Archeologia graeca sive veterum graecorum praecipue vero atheniensium, ritus ciciles, religiosi, ...
Excudit Petrus Vander, Lugduni Batavorum (Leyde) 1702, in-folio (41x26cm), (5f.) 394pp. (7f.)., relié.
First Latin edition. 1 illustrated frontispiece and 9 large plates are not included in the pagination with 41 figures, depicting scenes of battles, ships, war machines ... Full Vellum time, back to Jansenist nerves (as in black pen) , large central medallion on the boards with cold frames and [...]
1 200 €
First edition
L'art de la teinture des laines, et des étoffes de laine, en grand et petit teint. Avec une ...
Chez la veuve Pissot et Jean Thomas Herissant, Paris 1750, fort in 12 (17x10,5cm), xix (5) 631 pp., relié.
First Edition. Full brown calf iced contemporary. Back to nerves tooled, red morocco title. A dull corner. Tail cap and lower edge redone, also headbands. A snag with slight lack in the room title. Scuffs on the boards. This is the first such treaty on how to dye wool and most important work of the [...]
900 €
First edition
Dissertation sur la cause de la salure des eaux de la mer
Chez la veuve & P. Brun fils, Bordeaux 1728, in-12 (15,4x9cm), (4) 50 ,pp., broché.
First Edition. Paperback, covered with a brown paper twentieth. Scientific spirit of the Society of Jesus, Sarrabat won the gold medal of the Academy of Sciences in 1728 for his work on the origin of the salinity of the sea, which he attributed mainly to water flowing into the sea . --- Please note [...]
400 €
First edition
Pierre BOITEL (Sieur de GOUBERTIN)
Le tableau des merveilles du monde
Chez Toussaint du Bray, à Paris 1617, in-8 (16x11cm), (12) (1bc) 627pp. -20., relié.
First Edition. Rather rare. A copy of the BNF, one at Tours. Cioranescu only reports Historical Chronicles Boitel. Full Parchment Contemporary flaps. Back mute. Historian, poet and polemicist of the first half of the seventeenth, we know that very little of the character, he wrote theater of [...]
750 €
First edition
Opuscule ou essai tendant à rectifier des préjugés nuisibles et à former des vertueux ...
Chez David Fowler (de l'imprimerie de J. Cooper), à Londres 1791, in 12 (16,3x10,5cm), 286 pp., relié.
Edition originale, et seule parue.
Demi Veau romantique rouge , spine lisse à 2 fers romantiques en long.
Cet ouvrage fut rédigé par un quaker américain, et selon l'éditeur avant la Révolution française. L'auteur y condamne sévèrement « la fourberie et le fanatisme des prêtres [...]
650 €
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