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Page 67 : Results 529 to 536 on 609 Books
First edition
LE BLOND & Géraud de LA CHAU
Description des principales Pierres gravées du Cabinet de SAS Monseigneur le Duc d'Orléans
Chez M. l'abbé de la Chaud, M. l'Abbé Le Blond, à Paris 1780 - 1784, in-folio (20,5x34cm), (32) 303pp. et (4) v (3)
First edition, beautifully illustrated with a frontispiece of Cochin, engraved by Saint-Aubin, a thumbnail of the same title, 59 large tail-lamp and header (designed and engraved by Saint-Aubin) and explained decrypted beginning of the book, and 179 figures, each inset with an engraved stone [...]
1 800 €
First edition
[François BERNARD]
La gazette de Cythere, ou avantures galantes et recentes, arrivées dans les principales villes de ...
S.n., Londres 1774, in-8 (11,5x20,5cm), XI (1) 260pp. (2) ; (1bc.) 88pp., 2 parties reliées en un volume.
First edition, illustrated with an allegorical frontispiece and a portrait of Madame du Barry. The second part is entitled: Precis History of the Life of Mad. the Comtesse du Barry. Limited edition the author is Jean Frédéric Bernard by Barbier. Full mottled calf iced contemporary. Smooth back [...]
350 €
First edition
Abregé de l'histoire de la Hollande et des provinces unies, depuis les temps les plus anciens ...
Chez Jacques Murray, à Leyde 1778, 4 tomes en 4 Vol. in 8 (12,5x21cm), (2) xxj, 1383pp. (4), relié.
First Edition. A title vignette repeated on 4 volumes. Brunet speaks in a 4 edition published simultaneously. Continuous pagination. Sheepskin half blonde with small contemporary corners. Back smooth threads. Piece of red morocco and volume number rose morocco inset. Origin of Holland paper and the [...]
450 €
First edition
Tableau historique et politique de la Suisse, où sont décrits sa situation, son état ancien & ...
Chez Lottin le jeune, Imprimé à Fribourg & se trouve à Paris 1766, in-12 (10x16,5cm), relié.
Original French edition, translated from English by Jacques Rebauld Chapel (Barbier). Full mottled calf time. Back tooled raised. Part of title in black morocco. Caps restored. A thin slit in the lower joint first. Stanyan lived in Switzerland from 1705 to 1714. Haller enjoy the presentation [...]
400 €
First edition
Pierre Louis Moreau de MAUPERTUIS
Essai de philosophie morale
S.n., Berlin 1749, In 12 (9,5x16,5cm), (4) 107pp., relié.
First edition, rare. A vignette title by Eisen. Full glossy and marbled calf contemporary. Smooth back adorned with grotesque. Part of title in red morocco. Threadbare cap. Friction to the joints and corners. The test of moral philosophy is one of two main texts (and the first chronologically) [...]
800 €
First edition
Traité curieux des charmes de l'amour conjugal dans ce monde et dans l'autre. [Ensemble] Du ...
Chez George-Jacques & J. Henri Decker; chez Barrois & chez Guillot, à Berlin et Basle ; à Londres & se trouve à
French Edition of these two works of Swedenborg, probably translated from Latin (Amor Conjugialis 1768) by Guyton Guyton and not Brumore. Rare. In addition to the end from the commerce of the soul and body: From White Horse spoken of in the Apocalypse. Full sheepskin vintage blonde. Back tooled [...]
900 €
First edition
Charles BONNET
La palingénésie philosophique ou Idées sur l'état passé et sur l'état futur des êtres ...
Chez Claude Philibert et Barthelemi Chirol, à Genève 1769, in-8 (11,5x20cm), xxvj (2) 427pp; (1) et (2) iv (2) 448pp., 2 volumes reliés.
First edition, rare; infringement is published on the same date in Amsterdam. Full glossy blond calf and marbled contemporary. Back smooth decorated. Parts of title and volume numbers of red morocco. A small loss in head volume I. Five corners bumped. Friction. Without doubt the most ambitious and [...]
900 €
First edition
The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon Lord High Chancellor of England [...]
At the Clarendon Printing House, Oxford 1759, 3 tomes en 3 Vol. in 8 (11,5x19,5cm), reliés.
First edition, published at the same time as publishing in a volume in folio, without being able to determine which is the first. Rare.Plein speckled calf and icy contemporary. English binding. Spine ribbed ornate. Part of title in red morocco and volume number in black morocco. Head cover of [...]
800 €
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