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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 39 : Results 305 to 312 on 611 Books
First edition
Armand Frédéric Ernest NOGARET
Vente considérable d'une belle collection de tableaux des plus grands maîtres italiens, flamands, ...
Chez Basan & Me Dufresne, à Paris 1778, In-8 (13,5x19,5cm), 100pp., relié.
Edition originale. La mention du nom du collectionneur auquel appartient l'ensemble des lots est manuscrite à la plume sur la page de titre.
Reliure en demi maroquin vieux rouge ca 1880. Dos lisse janséniste. Titre et date en queue dorés. Frottements en coiffes. Une bande de papier arrachée [...]
450 €
First edition
Catalogue de tableaux
Chez Constantin & Boileau 1804, In-8 (12x18,5cm), (4) 59pp., relié.
First edition.
Binding calf green ca 1860. Smooth back decorated with 2 irons and nets. Golden title. Friction caps and borders. burnished paper. Good copy.
Collection of François Tronchin des Délices, State Councilor of the Republic of Geneva, which includes 226 paintings and whose sale [...]
350 €
First edition
Jacques-Bénigne BOSSUET
Traité de la communion sous les deux especes
Chez Sébastien Mabre-Cramoisy, à Paris 1682, In-12 (8,5x15,5cm), (8) 461pp. (2), relié.
First edition. a figure in text.
Binding full morocco grain long chocolate ca 1860. Ornate back with nerves. Title piece and tomaison in red morocco. boards decorated with several nets and frame wheels and a large floral frieze. Inland frieze. Golden slices. Paper of perfect freshness, possibly [...]
650 €
First edition
Traduction nouvelle des Odes d'Anacreon, sur l'original grec. Par M. de la Fosse
Chez Pierre Ribou, à Paris 1704, In-12 (9,5x16,5cm), (36) 198, 81p. (4), relié.
First edition of the translation of De la Fosse. Text in Greek with the translation opposite. A medallion portrait on the frontispiece of Anacreon.
Binding full glossy brown calf vintage. Back to nerves adorned. Title piece in red morocco. Headdress torn off with gaps in the joints. Upper joint [...]
180 €
First edition
Testament politique du cardinal Alberoni
Chez Marc-Michel Bousquet, à Lausanne 1754, In-12 (10x16,8cm), XXXI (1) 174pp. ; (2) XXXIII-XXXIV 291pp., 2 parties en un volume relié.
First edition.
Binding in full marbled brown calfskin. Back to nerves adorned. Title piece in red morocco. Headdress trimmed. Friction. A blunt corner.
200 €
First edition
In libros paralipomenon, sive Chronicorum commentarius [Ensemble] Praelectiones Iannis Calvini ...
Excudebat Christophorus Froschoverus & Apud Bartholomaeum Vincentium & Per Ioannem Oporinum, Tiguri Bale 1559-1573,
Rare meeting of three books of theological commentaries so here is the detail:
2 500 €
[DANEMARK] Histoire de Dannemarc
Chez Barde, Manget & Compagnie & Chez Buisson, A Genève & à Paris 1787, 9 tomes en 9 Vol. in-12 (10,5x17,5cm), XXIV,
Third and best edition; it is indeed the most complete. Before composing this ensemble, several editions were published: in the first place an Introduction to the history of Dannemarc in 1755, which forms in our copy the first illustrated volume of a large folding map of Scandinavia. Two volumes in [...]
950 €
First edition
Essai sur l'histoire des comices de Rome, des Etats-Generaux de la France, et du parlement ...
Chez Maradan, A Philadelphie Et se trouve à Paris 1789, In-8 (12x20cm), iv, 464pp. (1) et (4) 303pp. (1) et (4) 344pp., 3 volumes reliés.
First edition, rare.
Binding half marbled sheepskin contemporary with small corners of parchment. Smooth back decorated with wheels. Title and volume pieces in red morocco adorned. Friction. Lower bottom corner of volume 3 cropped. Good copy.
Comparative History of the States-General, [...]
900 €
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