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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 26 : Results 201 to 208 on 610 Books
First edition, Signed book
Odes républicaines au peuple français, composées en Brumaire, l'an II
De L'imprimerie des lois, à Paris 1794 (An III), In-8 (13x20,2cm), (2) 50pp., relié.
Edition originale.
Reliure en demi percaline grise fin XIXe. Dos lisse. Pièce de titre de maroquin rouge. Plats de papier à la cuve. Traces de frottement. Bon exemplaire.
L'exemplaire contient, outre quelques corrections, plusieurs feuillets manuscrits destinés à corriger cette [...]
350 €
First edition
Méthodes et projets pour parvenir à la destruction des loups dans le royaume
De l'Imprimerie Royale, Paris 1768, in-12 (9,5x16,5cm), xiv ; 322 pp., relié.
First edition, well complete of his large folding table at the end of the volume.
Posterior binding (19th century) in full red morocco, back with five nerves richly adorned with nets, boxes and gilded florets, boards framed by triple golden nets, golden net on the cups, guards and contreplats - [...]
2 500 €
First edition
Senatus consulti de bacchanalibus sive aeneae vetustae tabulae Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis
Apud Felicem Muscam, Neapoli 1729, Pet. in-Folio (22x32cm), (4) iiij, 221pp. (1) 2Pl., relié.
First edition illustrated with a title vignette depicting a Roman bacchanal engraved by Picini and 2 large folding planks on strong paper engraved by Schmutzer, one with medals and a vase, the second being a fac simile of an epigraph on a bronze plaque, edict of the consul Quintus Marcius on the [...]
700 €
First edition
Selectiora numismata in aere maximi moduli e museo
Apud Antonium Dezallier, Parisiis 1694, (8) 132pp. (15), relié.
First Edition illustrated with an allegorical frontispiece in a portico engraved and drawn by Erlanger, and 59 boards
600 €
First edition
Jean-François DEMACHY
Elément de chymie, suivant les principes de Becker & de Stahl
Chez Siméon-Prosper Hardy, à Paris 1757, In-12 (10x17cm), xxiv, 526pp. et viij, 623pp. et viij, 599pp. et viij,
First edition.
Binding full brown sheepskin marbled vintage. Back with ornate nerves. Title and volume pieces of beige sheepskin. Rubbed together. Flat headdresses. Estafilades on the boards. Blunt corners.
600 €
First edition
Jacques François GROBERT
Description des pyramides de Guizé, de la ville du Caire et de ses environs
Chez Logerot-Petiet & Rémont, à Paris 1801, In-4, (6) 160pp., relié.
Illustrated first edition of 5 plates (a Mameluke figure on horseback, a view of the Mourat Bey palace, a plan, elevation and a section of the pyramids of Giza) and a large folding map of Cairo.
Binding half marbled mauve modern fawn with small corners. The back is a clever and confusing [...]
1 500 €
First edition
Pierre Joseph MACQUER
Elemens de chymie theorique
Chez Jean-Thomas Herissant, à Paris 1749, In-12 (10x17cm), xxiv, 336pp. (24), relié.
First edition illustrated with 4 folding boards in fine (instruments and tables of different elements).
Binding full brown sheepskin contemporary. Back with ornate nerves. title label in red morocco. A lack in mind. Very rubbed together. 2 blunt corners.
350 €
Description et usage d'un cabinet de physique experimentale
Chez Gueffier, à Paris 1775, in 8 (12,5x20,3cm), xxiv, 342pp. 24Pl. et (4) 456pp. 28Pl., 2 volumes reliés.
First edition, illustrated with 51 folding plates (23 for volume I and 28 for the second, at the end of volumes) on hard paper.
Binding full brown sheepskin contemporary. Back to ornate nerve. title label in red morocco and tomaison in black morocco. Headdresses of Volume II removed. Grip of [...]
800 €
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