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Page 23 : Results 177 to 184 on 609 Books
First edition
Histoire de l'Irlande ancienne et moderne
Chez Antoine Boudet, à Paris 1758 - 1763, In-4 (19,5x25,5cm), xlviij (2) 488pp. (2) et lxxxiv, x, 376pp. et xj (1)
First edition.
Binding full brown marbled vintage brown sheepskin. Back with ornate nerves. Title and volume piece in red morocco.
1 000 €
First edition
Edward-Daniel CLARKE
Voyage en Russie, en Tartarie et en Turquie
Chez Fantin, à Paris 1812, In-8 (13x21cm), xviij, 559pp. (1) et (4) 500pp., 2 volumes reliés.
First edition, rare
Binding in plain brown calf of time. Smooth back decorated with 4 quadrilobed irons and multiple wheels. title labels and tomaisson in red morocco. Frieze framing on the splat lined with a golden net. Inner roulette. Epidermures on the backs and boards. Part of tomaion of [...]
1 400 €
First edition
William COXE
Voyage en Pologne, Russie, Suède, Dannemarc, &c. & augmenté d'un voyage en Norvège par Mr. P.H. ...
Chez Barde, Manget, à Genève 1786, In-8 (12,5x20,5cm), x, 380pp. et (2) 404pp. et (6) 293pp. et (4) 303pp., 5 volumes reliés.
Original French edition published at the same time as an edition in 2 volumes in-4 at the same publisher, it is increased the trip to Norway Mallet. The first English edition was published in London in 1784. The illustration includes 12 maps and pamphlets (Poland, Russia, Caspian Sea, Dannemarc), 4 [...]
800 €
First edition
Jacques LELONG
Bibliotheque historique de la France ; contenant le catalogue de tous les ouvrages, tant imprimez ...
Chez Gabriel Martin, à Paris 1719, in-folio (25x40cm), (24) 1100pp., relié.
First edition. This bibliography will be from 1768 pursued by Fondette fevier to extend to all areas (ecclesiastical history, natural history ...) and no longer to the one studied by Lelong.
Binding full brown sheepskin contemporary. Back with ornate nerves. Wide restorations blonde blonde on [...]
800 €
First edition
Guido PAPE
[Statuta Delphinatus] Libertates per illustrissimos principes delphinos viennenses delphinalibus ...
Franciscum Pichatum et Bartholomeum Bertoletum ( François Pichon et Bartholomé Bertholet), Grationopoli (Grenoble)
First edition. Title page in red and black. Vignette of title to the arms of Dauphiné flanked by 2 angels. Handwriting in the margins. Title inside the volume in the high margin: Statuta Delphinatus.
Binding in the middle of the 17th century. Back to Jansenist nerves. title label of red [...]
4 000 €
First edition
Dialogi septendecim [Ensemble] Dialogi duo
Apud Iodocum Kalcovium, Coloniae Ubiorum 1645, In-12 (9,5x15,5cm), (12) 340pp. ; 48pp., relié.
First edition, rare. A frontispiece portrait.
Binding full vintage vellum. Back to nerves. Title with the pen, as well as a floret. Sheets 3 and 4 of the preface moved after leaflet 338. foxing.
17 Dialogues on love, friendship, justice, history, greatness ... Humanist, poet, historian and [...]
250 €
First edition
Gabriel Francisco LE JAY
Le triomphe de la religion sous Louis Le Grand
Chez Gabriel Martin, à Paris 1687, In 12 (9x16,5cm), 131pp., relié.
First edition illustrated with an allegorical frontispiece and 22 large unsigned in-text figures, a title band and a drop cap.
Binding full Brown Basin contemporary. Back with ornate nerves. title label in red morocco. Headdresses torn off. Missing the bit. Primer of a narrow slit at the upper [...]
400 €
First edition
Charles PATIN
Quatre relations historiques
S.n., à Basle 1673, In-12 (9x15,8cm), (8) 3-336p., relié.
First edition.
Binding full brown speckled brown and glossy vintage. Back with ornate nerves. title label of brown calf. Restorations in caps, joints and corners. Missed marbled cover pages on the blank sheets.
Ex libris of the twentieth: Bibliotheca Altholii doctoris.
350 €
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