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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 22 : Results 169 to 176 on 609 Books
First edition
Veue grottes et fontaines de jardins à l'italienne inventez et gravez par I. le Pautre
Chez Pierre Mariette, Paris 1650 (S.d.), In-8 oblong (20,5x31cm), relié.
Premier tirage de cette suite à l'eau-forte numérotée de 1 (frontispice) à 7. La planche numérotée 2 ne se trouve pas après le numéro 1, la planche suivante portant le numéro 3. Le recueil conservé à la Bibliothèque de Madrid (Biblioteca historica Marques de Valdocilla) fait également [...]
500 €
First edition
Grottes & veües de Jardins inventées et gravées par Jean le Pautre
Pierre Mariette, à Paris 1650 (S.d.), In-8 oblong (20,5x31cm), relié.
First print of this suite composed of 6 prints. Copy similar to that held by the Biblioteca historica Marques de Valdocilla in Madrid (UCM)
600 €
First edition
Etrennes lyriques, anacréontiques, pour l'année 1782
Chez L'auteur, à Paris 1782, In-16 (8x13,5cm), (24) 366pp. (1), relié.
first edition.
Binding in full brown sheepskin contemporary. Smooth decorated back. title label in red morocco. Slight lack in the upper tail joint.
Collection of gallant and light poems collected by Cholet de Jetphort to whom they were addressed. A play by Beaumarchais, three by Boufflers, [...]
150 €
First edition
Joannes Arnold CORVINUS & Germano COUSINIO
Elementa iuris civilis. Accesserunt partitiones regularum utriusque juris Germ. Cousinii
Apud Louis Elzevier, Amstelodami 1645, Pet. in-12 (7,5x13cm), (12pp.) 248pp. ; 53pp. (10), relié.
Title page and specific page for Receptarum juris utriusque regularum partitiones de Cousinio.
300 €
First edition
Maria Joseph Clement KAUKOL
Christlicher seelen-schaz ausserlesener gebetter
Chez L'auteur, s.l. [Bonn] 1729 (S.d), In-8 (12x17,8cm), 128f. (ni paginé ni folioté), relié.
First edition printed in calligraphic script, adorned with a title-frontispiece, a plate with a coat of arms, engraved titles, a few vignettes, banners, historiated initials ...
German binding in full vintage fir green morocco. Mute back with ornate nerves. Floral sheaves forming lace arranged [...]
450 €
First edition
André Pierre LE GUAY DE PRETMONVAL & Bernard le [...]
L'esprit de Fontenelle. Ou recueil de pensées tirées de ses ouvrages
Chez Pierre Gosse, à La Haye 1744, In-12 (10x17cm), (4) lx (2) 276pp., relié.
First edition, illustrated with a captioned, unsigned frontispiece and a title sticker with the banner banner: Illuminat et foecundat. Title page in red and black.
Dutch binding in full vintage brown morocco. Back to nerve decorated with cold decorated boxes. title label of cold brown morocco. [...]
350 €
First edition
Dominique de COLONIA & Antonius SCHAABNER
De arte rhetorica libri quinque [Ensemble] Ars rhetorica variis regulis illustrata [Ensemble] ...
Wilhelm Metternich & Friedrich Rutiger, Cologne & Prague 1723 - 1744, Pet. in-8 (10,5x17cm), 3 parties en un volume relié.
From arte rhetorica. Cologne, Wilhelm Metternich, 1723. New edition.
Ars rhetorica. Cologne, Wilhelm Metternich, 1725. New edition.
Breviarum studiosorum, Prague and Nuremberg, Johann Fridriech Rutiger, 1744. first edition.
Copy with the arms of Alexander III, abbot of [...]
800 €
First edition
Benedicto VERNIERO
Magnum & universale concilium ecclesiae militantis super veritate Eucharistiae sacramenti
Apud Sebastianum Nivellium, Paris 1554, In-8 (10,5x17,5cm), 106ff. (5), relié.
First edition, illustrated with a large title vignette representing the Council of Nicea with on the left the bishops and on the other the monks, Christ in the center, levitating on a pulpit; a sticker depicting the last supper on sheet 9; a dead-end sticker depicting a king and monks supporting [...]
800 €
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