Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 1 : Results 1 to 4 on 4 Books
First edition, Signed book
Alfred SAUVY
Les Quatre Roues de la Fortune - Essai sur l'Automobile
Flammarion, Paris 1968, 11,5x18,5cm, broché.
Edition originale sur papier courant.
Agréable exemplaire.
Envoi autographe daté et signé d'Alfred Sauvy à Hubert Beuve-Méry : "... en hommage reconnaissant pour sa grande oeuvre..."
150 €
First edition, Signed book
Alfred SAUVY
Le travail noir & l'économie de demain
Calmann-Lévy, Paris 1984, 15x23cm, broché.
first edition from which it has not been printed.
Beautiful autograph signed and dated from Alfred Sauvy to Paul Camus .
120 €
First edition, Signed book
Alfred SAUVY
La vie en plus, souvenirs
Calmann-Lévy, Paris 1981, 15x23cm, broché.
Edition of wich no leading copies exists.
autograph dedication of the author autograph signed and dated Alfred Sauvy Monique Landon.
Pleasant copy despite back slightly past.
150 €
First edition, Signed book
Alfred SAUVY
Sociologie du surréalisme
Mouton, Paris & La Haye 1968, 14x22,5cm, broché.
First edition printed in a very small number of copies of this offprint.
Rare autograph inscription from Alfred Sauvy.
250 €
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