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First edition, Signed book

Abram KROL

Hors oeuvre

Editions Noël, Paris 1998, 20x20cm, broché.

Edition originale sur papier courant.
Ouvrage illustré de croquis de Victorine Séauve.
Bel exemplaire.
Envoi autographe daté et signé d'Abram Krol à son ami le poète Charles Dobzynski.

80 €

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First edition, Signed book

Abram KROL

Livres, suites, estampes gravés au burin 1958-1978

A. Krol, Paris 1992, 21x30cm, broché.

first edition on current paper.
Illustrated book of numerous reproductions of engraved works by Abram Krol.
Preface by Dominique Daguet.
Autograph dated and signed by Abram Krol to his friend the poet Charles Dobzynski: "... two decades of a copper plowman, friendly."

80 €

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First edition, Signed book

Abram KROL

Abram Krol dix suites. Burins 1993-1997

Librairie-Galerie Graphes, Paris 1998, 21x21cm, broché.

First edition on current paper.
Illustrated book of many reproductions of works engraved with Abram Krol.
Preface by Charles Dobzynski.
Our copy is enriched with a beautiful, dated and signed two-page manuscript letter from Abram Krol to Charles Dobzynski in which he praises the [...]

200 €

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First edition, Signed book

Abram KROL

Stèle pour un jeune frère

Editions Caractères, s.l. s.d. (1958), 15,5x23,5cm, broché.

first edition, one of the 237 copies numbered on rag, only print after 12 BFK Rives.
Illustrated book of 13 engraved wooden plates as well as vignettes by Abram Krol.
Precious autograph signed by Abram Krol to Jacques Hébertot presenting his wishes for the new year.
Beautiful copy.

200 €

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