Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
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First edition, Signed book
Thierry MUGLER
Dessin original de Thierry Mugler - Projet de costume pour un ballet
s.l. s.d. (ca 2010-2020), 21x29,8cm, une feuille.
Original sketch drawing Costume project for ballet
[ca 2010-2020] | 21 x 29,8 cm | one leaf
Original drawing by Thierry Mugler, entirely in pencil on thick white paper, depicting a ballet dancer in bird costume. Several autograph notes by the fashion [...]
1 500 €
First edition, Signed book
Thierry MUGLER
Dessin original de Thierry Mugler - Projet pour le masque féminin d'un ballet
s.l. s.d. (ca. 2019), 21,6x27,9cm, une feuille.
Original sketch drawing Female mask project for ballet
[ca 2019) | 21,6 x 27,9 cm | one leaf
Original drawing by Thierry Mugler, entirely in pencil on a white paper leaf.
With a profile of a woman, wearing a mask on her face and another one on top of the [...]
1 200 €
First edition, Signed book
Thierry MUGLER
Carnet personnel de Thierry Mugler contenant des dessins et aphorismes autographes originaux
s.d. (ca 2012), 15,5x21,5cm, relié.
Personal notebook of Manfred Thierry Mugler containing original autograph drawings and aphorisms.
n.d. (ca 2012), 15,5x21,5cm, black cloth binding.
Black cloth binding. A white star made by Mugler in corrector fluid on the first cover.
Fifteen [...]
2 500 €
First edition, Signed book
[Thierry MUGLER], Sylvie GERMOND
Monumentale photographie représentant Thierry Mugler entouré des artistes de son spectacle de ...
s.l. (Paris) 19 décembre 2013, Cadre : 116,5x86,5 cm / Sujet : 89,5x60,5cm, une photographie encadrée.
Monumental photograph of Thierry Mugler surrounded by the performers of his cabaret show “Mugler Follies”
[Paris] 19 décembre 2013 | frame: 116,5 x 86,5 cm; photograph: 89,5 x 60,5 cm | one mounted and framed photograph
Very large-format [...]
2 500 €
First edition, Signed book
Paire de dessins originaux inédits de Thierry Mugler pour un projet de robe "Kim Kardashian"
s.l. s.d. [ca. 2010-2020], 7,6x12,7cm pour chacun des dessins, 2 dessins sur des post-it.
"Baby got back !"
Two original unpublished drawings by Thierry Mugler for a "Kim Kardashian" dress project6 000 €
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