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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 1 : Results 1 to 3 on 3 Books
First edition
Maurice TALMEYR & Rodolphe JULIAN
La République des Lettres. Revue littéraire et politique. Deuxième Série. Volume IV. Cinquième ...
Paris 15 avril 1877, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
First Edition. Under blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions: Maurice Talmeyr: "The issue of the French Comedy: IM Emile Perrin," Octave Fouque "Music: the author of Faust," Camille Pelletan "political masks VI Dufaure.." Albert Merat: "At Franc Fisherman" Léon Cladel "The Tomb [...]
150 €
First edition
Camille PELLETAN & Rodolphe JULIAN
La République des Lettres. Revue littéraire et politique. Deuxième Série. Volume III. ...
Richard Lesclide, Paris 14 janvier 1877, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
First Edition. Under blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions of Jose-Maria de Heredia: "The sword," Camille Pelletan "Political Masks: IM Ruffet" Théodore de Banville: "Stories for women," Leon Dierx "The ancestors," Leon Cladel "The tomb-of-Wrestlers (continued) "Adelphe [...]
100 €
First edition
Rodolphe JULIAN & Henry SOMM
La République des Lettres. Revue littéraire et politique. Deuxième Série. Volume III. ...
Richard Lesclide, Paris 7 janvier 1877, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), 2, broché.
First Edition. Under blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions: Hervert Harvey: "Strange artists: William Black," Théodore de Banville: "The end word" Francois Coppe: "To an unknown Blonde", Edouard Lockroy "Garibaldi" Léon Cladel "Le Tombeau des -Lutteurs "(continued), Catullus [...]
120 €
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