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First edition, Signed book


Chansons captives

Mercure de France, Paris 1910, 11,5x18cm, relié.

First edition, one of the first issue copies numbered to the press, there is no mention of leading copies.
Braid binding in full paper with abstract patterns, smooth back slightly discolored, green canvas title piece, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, speckled slices, binding of the era [...]

50 €

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First edition


Rodolphe silhouette genevoise

A. Jullien, Genève 1906, 15x23,5cm, broché.

Edition 350 ex numbered printed on Holland paper. Spine lightly faded and warped, small spots on the front cover, a guard slightly and partially shaded, otherwise good condition inside. Source: Fund for French-speaking Swiss Natural Albert poets that formed from the twenties. --- Please note that [...]

80 €

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First edition


Pour le saint jour de Noël

A. Kundig, Genève 1929, 16,5x29cm, agrafé.

First Edition printed in small numbers. Back and slightly flat and marginally past, with tears angular gaps on boards, nice interior state. Source: Fund for French-speaking Swiss Natural Albert poets that formed from the twenties. --- Please note that the translation in english is done [...]

30 €

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First edition, Signed book


Le silence des heures

C. Eggimann & Cie, Genève 1904, 14,5x21cm, broché.

Edition of wich no leading copies exists. autograph dedication of the author. Back slightly past a descriptive label glued library marginally on the cover sheet also included a bookplate. Source: Fund for French-speaking Swiss Natural Albert poets that formed from the twenties. --- Please note that [...]

80 €

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First edition, Signed book


Le danseur et la corde suivi de l'Après-midi sentimentale

A. Jullien, Genève 1912, 13x20cm, broché.

Edition collective trade off printed 300 copies on laid. autograph dedication of the author. Rare and nice copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!

80 €

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First edition


Saison divine

A. Jullien, Paris 1920, 13x19cm, broché.

First Edition, one of 30 ex numbered on Holland paper only leading copies. lightened spine guards marginally and partially shaded, otherwise nice copy. Source: Fund for French-speaking Swiss Natural Albert poets that formed from the twenties. --- Please note that the translation in english is done [...]

150 €

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First edition


Chambre haute

Albert Kundig, Genève 1928, 14,5x20,5cm, broché.

First edition, one of 25 copies numbered on Holland paper limited edition of 10 with Japan. Beautiful copy. Origin: French-speaking Swiss funds Albert Natural poets that formed from the twenties. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are [...]

100 €

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First edition


Chansons captives

Mercure de France, Paris 1910, 12x19cm, broché.

First Edition, one of the first numbered the press issue, it did not come from big papers. Nice copy. Source: Fund for French-speaking Swiss Natural Albert poets that formed from the twenties. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are [...]

40 €

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