Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 1 : Results 1 to 5 on 5 Books
First edition
Harman Jansz van MULLER (fecit)
Et accedens qui quinque talenta acceperat obtulit alia, quinque quae lucrifecerat, similiter et qui ...
S.n., s.l. [Hollande] (Circa 1600), 33x27,5cm (cuvette: 28,5x20cm), une feuille.
Original etching unsigned made chisel, presumably by Harman Jansz van Muller.Epreuve on watermarked laid paper, working from the early seventeenth siècle.Il is an illustration of the Gospel according to Matthew 25.20-23, "The one who had received the five talents came and brought other five [...]
180 €
First edition
Harman Jansz van MULLER (fecit)
Post multum vero temporis rediit dominus servorum illorum et contulit rationem cum eis. (Matt. ...
S.n., s.l. [Hollande] (Circa 1600), 33x27,5cm (cuvette: 28,5x20cm), une feuille.
Original etching unsigned made chisel, presumably by Harman Jansz van Muller.Epreuve on watermarked laid paper, working from the early seventeenth siècle.Il is an illustration of the Gospel according to Matthew 25.19, "After a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with [...]
200 €
First edition
Harman Jansz van MULLER (fecit)
Qui vero unum acceperat abiens fodit in terram et abscondit pecuniam domini sui. (Matt. 25.18.). ...
S.n., s.l. [Hollande] (Circa 1600), 33,5x27,5cm (cuvette: 28,5x20cm), une feuille.
Original etching done with chisels Harman Jansz van Muller.Epreuve on watermarked laid paper, working from the early seventeenth siècle.Il is an illustration of the Gospel according to Matthew 25:18, "But he that had received that one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. [...]
200 €
First edition
Harman Jansz van MULLER (fecit)
Abiens autem qui quinquae talenta acceperat et negotiatus lucrifecit alia quinquae similiter et qui ...
S.n., s.l. [Hollande] (Circa 1600), 33x27,5cm (cuvette: 28,5x20,5cm), une feuille.
Original etching done with chisels Harman Jansz van Muller.Epreuve on watermarked laid paper, working from the early seventeenth siècle.Il is an illustration of the Gospel according to Matthew 25.16-17, "Then he that had received five talents went, the argued, and he made five talents more. [...]
200 €
First edition
Maarten van HEEMSKERCK (inventor)
Beati Qui Lugent, Quoniam Ipsi Consolabuntur. (Matt. 5.4). Gravure originale du XVIIe siècle
S.n., s.l. [Hollande] (Circa 1600), 32,5x27,5cm (cuvette: 24,5x21cm), une feuille.
Original etching done with chisels Harman Jansz van Muller, after a painting of the sixteenth century Maerten Jacobszoon Heemskerk van Veen or Maarten van Heemskerck Marten, Maerten, Martin.Epreuve on watermarked laid paper, working from the early seventeenth century. This is an illustration of the [...]
150 €
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