Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 1 : Results 1 to 6 on 6 Books
First edition
Raoul DUFY, Fernand FLEURET
Nrf, Paris 1923, 14,5x19cm, broché.
Edition illustrée de 22 bois originaux de Raoul Dufy dont 21 coloriés à la main par Jeanne Rosoy et L. Petitbarat, un des 320 exemplaires numérotés sur raphia naturel, seul tirage après 15 Japon et 35 Hollande.
Rousseurs éparses.
200 €
First edition
Fernand FLEURET, Yves ALIX
Soeur Félicité
Au sans pareil, Paris 1926, 14x19,5cm, broché.
First edition, one of 50 numbered copies on Holland paper.
Illustrated book of 6 inset images engraved in etching by Yves Alix.
Pleasant copy in spite of the back and the slightly discolored boards as very often.
Our copy is very complete in fine of the rest of the 6 etchings as [...]
150 €
First edition
Raoul DUFY, Fernand FLEURET
Nrf, Paris 1923, 14,5x19cm, broché.
Edition illustrated with 22 original woodcuts by Raoul Dufy including 21 hand-colored by Jeanne Rosoy and L. Petitbarat, one of 320 numbered copies on natural raffia, one draw after 15 Japan 35 Netherlands.
A small flat head in the first spot, two tiny angular miss on the boards, nice interior [...]
380 €
First edition
Echec au roi! Tableaux de la fin d'Henri IV
Nrf, Paris 1937, 12x19cm, broché.
First edition, one of 37 numbered copies on pur fil paper, the tirage de tête.
Spine very slightly sunned, not serious.
80 €
Le carquois du sieur Louvigné du Dezert Roüennois d'après les fragments d'un manuscrit inédit ...
M.-P. Trémois, Paris 1928, 16x18cm, relié.
First edition, one of the 20 copies on nupmérotés Holland paper, head drawing.
Binding to bradel half vellum with corners cartonnage case, smooth back, as part of nut-brown shagreen coaching red lines on paper plates with floral motifs, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, gilded head on [...]
150 €
First edition
Raoul DUFY, Fernand FLEURET
La comtesse de Ponthieu. Conte en prose du XIIIème siècle traduit par Fernand Fleuret
Editions de la Sirène, Paris 1920, 11,5x14,5cm, broché.
First edition of the adaptation by Fernand Fleuret.
With a frontispiece by Raoul Dufy, reproduced on the upper cover.
A good copy.
50 €
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