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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 1 : Results 1 to 5 on 5 Books
Charles de Secondat MONTESQUIEU & Jean Le Rond [...]
De l'Esprit des loix
Chez Arkstée & Merkus, à Amsterdam et Leipsick 1758, in-4 (19,5x26cm), (4 p.) lxxxvj ; 526 pp. et (4) xvj ; 634 pp., 2 volumes reliés.
Nouvelle édition parue dans les Oeuvres complètes qui comprenaient un troisième volume, contenant Les Lettres persanes et Le Temple de Gnide. Notre exemplaire, relié à l'époque et présentant des pièces de titre spécifiant "L'Esprit des Loix", montre que ces volumes étaient vendus [...]
800 €
Charles de Secondat MONTESQUIEU
Dialogue de Sylla et d'Eucrate
Impressions des deux-collines, Lyon 1920, 33x36cm, broché.
New edition, one of 10 numbered copies on old China, ours printed specially for Jean Comte.
Some tears at the level of the witnesses of certain sheets, two small spots on the front cover, a slight hole on the cover page due to the quality of the paper.
120 €
First edition
Théodore REGNAULT & [Charles de Secondat MONTESQUIEU]
Tableaux analytiques de l'Esprit des Lois, de Montesquieu
Chez l'auteur & Janet et Cotelle & Delaunay et Ponthieu, Paris 1824, 24,5x37cm, relié.
First edition.
Contemporary binding in half morocco red Russia, smooth back accidented in the headdress and rubbed tail, paper plates like red cardboard with some scuffs.
Work disengaged from its binding.
180 €
Charles de Secondat MONTESQUIEU
De l'esprit des loix
Barillot & fils [Durand], à Genève [Paris] s.d. (1749), in-4 (19x25cm), (8) XXIV, 522pp. (1) et (4) XVI, 564pp., 2 volumes reliés (18,8x25,1cm).
Second edition in order of publications. Parisian counterfeit published in January 1749 (it would have been printed by Prault); the original, extraordinarily rare, dates from October 1748. This counterfeit is distinguished by a few points: it reproduces the same pagination errors in the preface as [...]
3 800 €
First edition
Charles de Secondat MONTESQUIEU
Mélanges inédits de Montesquieu publiés par le baron de Montesquieu
G. Gounouilhou & J. Rouam & Cie, Bordeaux & Paris 1892, 18x24cm, relié.
First Edition printed on laid. Bound in full vellum, flat spine decorated in the head and tail of a broken lace accentuating the old character of the binding pastiche, part of title chocolate guards and contreplats white paper morocco, wrappers preserved and bound in, elegant binding pastiche. Rare [...]
150 €
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