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Paul ZENKER, André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Nala et Damayanti

L'Edition d'art H. Piazza, Paris 1927, 15,5x20,5cm, broché.

Edition ornée de 10 illustrations hors-texte en couleurs ainsi que d'ornementations orientalistes par Paul Zenker.
Dos et plats marginalement insolés comme généralement.
Préface d'Alexandre Dumas fils.

150 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Les paeans et les thrènes

Alphonse Lemerre, Paris 1890, 13,5x18,5cm, broché.

First edition, one of the copies on Japan of which no mention is made.
Back slightly insolated without gravity.
Beautiful and rare copy at all margins.
Precious autograph signed by André-Ferdinand Herold: "To the venerated master Leconte de Lisle with respectful admiration."

750 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Manuscrits et tapuscrits autographes de Zadig

Agence générale de copies dramatiques et littéraires H. Compère, Paris s.d. [circa 1938], 20,5x27,5cm, broché et en feuilles.

Autograph manuscripts and manuscripts by André-Ferdinand Hérold for the libretto by Zadig, a musical comedy premiered on June 24, 1938 at the Opéra-Comique on a music by Jean Dupérier

800 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Les Sept contre Thèbes

S.n., Paris 1932, (5) 67pp. in-4, en feuilles.

Complete autograph manuscript of 28 pages written in black ink on the front and foliotées. Autograph shirt bearing the title, dates and location: Paris - April 22, 1932, Paris - May 28, 1932 prose translation of Aeschylus, the first version was published in the Mercure de France in 1909. --- [...]

350 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Oreste d'Euripide, 1935-1937.

S.n., Paris 1935-1937, (2) 67pp. in-4, en feuilles.

Complete and original autograph manuscript of 67 pages written and foliotées in black ink on the front. Autograph shirt bearing the title and dates: Paris - October 25, 1935 and Paris - April 21, 1937 Didascalies in red ink and autographs corrections of the author. Unpublished prose adaptation of [...]

500 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Antigone, 1929

S.n., Paris -Lapras 1929, (2) 49pp. in-4, en feuilles.

Complete autograph manuscript of 49 pages written and foliotées in black ink on the front. Autographs corrections of the author. Autograph shirt bearing the title and dates: Paris - July 4, 1929 and Lapras - August 22 1929 novel adaptation of Sophocles' tragedy in three acts and in verse. --- [...]

350 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

La Chimère, 1911-1914

S.n., s.l. 1911-1914, 50pp. in-4, en feuillets.

Complete autograph manuscript of 50 pages written in black ink on the front and foliotées. Fragment of autograph shirt bearing the crossed out title and dates: Paris - Thursday, March 9, 1911 and Paris - Saturday, 25 April 1914 Some erasures and corrections. This is an unprecedented tragedy in [...]

400 €

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First edition, Signed book

André-Ferdinand HEROLD

Dans la nuit, 1911

S.n., s.l. 1911, 44pp. in-4, en feuillets.

Complete autograph manuscript of 44 pages written in black ink on the front and foliotées. Autograph shirt styled and several dates: Paris - Monday, 24 May 1911, Paris - Thursday, November 9, 1911 and Revision, Lapras - Tuesday, 20 August 1911 A few autograph corrections by the author in pencil [...]

350 €

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