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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 5 : Results 33 to 40 on 44 Books
First edition
Ernest RENAN
L'abbesse de Jouarre
Calmann Lévy, Paris 1886, 16x25cm, relié.
First Edition. Binding to bradel half percaline olive, smooth back, part of title shagreen rust boards marbled paper wrappers preserved, contemporary binding. Copy almost free of freckles. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are [...]
100 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Etudes d'histoire religieuse
Michel Lévy frères, Paris 1857, 14x23cm, relié.
First edition which has not been derived great papers. Bound in half shagreen eggplant back with five nerves with very slight traces of abrasion adorned with double gold and richly decorated boxes, boards marbled paper, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, gilded head. Some small minor foxing. [...]
230 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Lettres intimes 1842-1845 précédées de ma soeur Henriette
Calmann Lévy, Paris 1896, 14x22,5cm, relié.
Publishing partly original because my sister Henriette appeared previously. Bound in half shagreen turquoise, lightened spine four nerves decorated with gilded coffered richly decorated boards marbled paper, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, contemporary binding. Free copy of any nice [...]
150 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Les crises du catholicisme naissant. Le Montanisme. Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes
Extrait de La Revue des deux mondes, s.l. [Paris] 1881, 15,5x25cm, agrafé.
First edition.
Plain paper cover.
50 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Vingt jours en Sicile. Le congrès de Palerme. Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes
Extrait de La Revue des deux mondes, s.l. [Paris] 1875, 15,5x25cm, agrafé.
First edition.
Plain paper cover. Rare.
60 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Des religions de l'Antiquité et de leurs derniers historiens. Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes
Extrait de La Revue des deux mondes, s.l. [Paris] 1853, 15,5x25cm, agrafé.
First edition.
Plain paper cover. Rare.
40 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Les antiquités et les fouilles d'Egypte. Extrait de la Revue des Deux Mondes
Extrait de La Revue des deux mondes, s.l. [Paris] 1865, 15,5x25cm, agrafé.
First edition.
Plain paper cover. Rare.
50 €
First edition
Ernest RENAN
Dialogues et fragments philosophiques
Calmann-Lévy, Paris 1876, 14,5x23cm, broché.
First Edition. Lack a tiny head back, a slight hitch without missing on the second flat, scattered spots. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
70 €
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