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Librairie Le Feu Follet - Paris - +33 (0)1 56 08 08 85 - Contact us - 31 Rue Henri Barbusse, 75005 Paris
Page 5 : Results 33 to 40 on 68 Books
First edition, Signed book
Premier testament
Gallimard, Paris 1957, 12x19cm, broché.
First edition, one of the review copies service.
Autograph dedication signed by Alain Bosquet: "To the poet Charles Dobzynski in real esteem."
Yellowed paper.
30 €
First edition, Signed book
Premier testament
Gallimard, Paris 1957, 12x19cm, broché.
first edition on paper current, fourth edition of mention.
Signed autograph of Alain Bosquet Yves Bayer.
Illustrated book of drawings by Gus Bofa.
A small tear in foot glued back.
30 €
First edition, Signed book
Maître objet
Gallimard, Paris 1962, 12x19cm, broché.
first edition on the current paper.
Signed autograph of Alain Bosquet Paul Aveline.
Nice copy.
30 €
First edition
Quatre testaments et autres poèmes
Gallimard, Paris 1967, 14,5x21,5cm, broché.
First collected edition, one of 45 numbered copies on pur fil paper, the only large paper copies.
Two small traces of sunning to head and foot of spine.
60 €
First edition, Signed book
Bourreaux et acrobates
Gallimard, Paris 1989, 14x20,5cm, broché.
First edition on ordinary paper.
Autograph inscription from Alain Bosquet to Daniel Leuwers.
A good copy.
30 €
First edition, Signed book
Le livre du doute et de la grâce
Gallimard, Paris 1977, 14x20,5cm, broché.
Edition, a numbered on puffing.
Signed autograph of Alain Bosquet Professor Georges Blin.
Tiny marginal minor bites on the plate.
30 €
First edition, Signed book
Langue morte
Editions du Sagittaire, Paris 1951, 14,5x19,5cm, broché.
Edition of wich no leading copies exists.
Signed autograph of Alain Bosquet Professor Georges Blin: "... to thank him for the defense of poetry ..."
illustrated book of drawings of André Masson.
Back slightly insolated, nice interior state.
50 €
First edition, Signed book
Les petites éternités
Grasset, Paris 1964, 12x19cm, broché.
First Edition, a review copies. beautiful autograph dedication of the author Jean Paulhan. Complete copy of its nice please insert. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
50 €
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