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Page 3 : Results 17 to 24 on 24 Books
First edition
(Edgar Allan POE) Léon LEMONNIER
Edgar Poe et les poètes français
Editions de la Nouvelle revue critique, Paris 1932, 12x19cm, broché.
First Edition paper current false statement mile. Nice copy. --- Please note that the translation in english is done automatically, we apologize if the formulas are inaccurate. Contact us for any information!
30 €
First edition
La république des Lettres Revue hebdomadaire - Premier volume de la deuxième série ( 9 juillet - ...
Richard Lesclide, Paris 1876, 24,5x16cm, 22 fascicules reliés en un volume..
First Edition. Bound in half brown shagreen, spine 5 nerves rubbed, caps rubbed, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper. The Dram appeared serially in the Republic of Letters from April 1876 to January 1877.Nombreuses collaborations JK Huysmans, José Maria de Heredia, [...]
800 €
First edition
Edgar Allan POE & Stéphane MALLARME
La République des Lettres. Revue littéraire et politique. Deuxième Série. Volume IV. Deuxième ...
Paris 25 mars 1877, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
First Edition. Under blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions: Philippe Burty: "Girls in Japan," Stéphane Mallarmé (translation): "poetic oeuvre by Edgar Allan Poe: VI Earth dream." Catullus Mendes: "Justice (Act II)", Maurice Rollinat " The host Loups- the suspect, "Henry [...]
150 €
First edition
La République des Lettres. Deuxième Série. Volume II. Dixième Livraison. 3 décembre 1876
Richard Lesclide, Paris 3 décembre 1876, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
First Edition. Under blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions from: Edgar Allan Poe: "The initiation of the Signora Psyche Zenobia" (new novel), Théodore de Banville: "Sganarelle," Raoul Ponchon: "Song vinous" Emile Zola: "The Dram" (Part II, IV -more-), Leon Dierx "Corot" Henry [...]
120 €
First edition
Edgar Allan POE & Stéphane MALLARME
La République des Lettres. Deuxième Série. Volume II. Septième Livraison. 12 novembre 1876
Richard Lesclide, Paris 12 novembre 1876, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
first edition. Undercover blue paper, printed in red and black. Contributions: Theodore de Banville: "Love Happy", Francois Coppe "Renewed love," Emile Zola "The Dram" (Part IV-suite), Armand Silvestre: "Prelude", Catullus Mendes "Do not play with the ashes," Jean Richepin: "A gift," Edgar Allan [...]
150 €
First edition
Edgar Allan POE & Richard WAGNER
La République des Lettres. Deuxième Série. Neuvième Livraison. 3 septembre 1876
Richard Lesclide, Paris 3 septembre 1876, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
First Edition. Paperback, in blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions of Emile Zola: "The Dram" (Part II, III-suite), Léon Valade: "Letter from a traveler," Richard Wagner: "A foreign musician in Paris," Raoul Gineste: "Little Lever" Stéphane Mallarmé: "The poetic works of Edgar [...]
120 €
First edition
Edgar Allan POE & Richard WAGNER
La République des Lettres. Deuxième Série. Huitième Livraison. 27 août 1876
Richard Lesclide, Paris 27 août 1876, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
First Edition. Under blue paper cover, printed in red and black. Contributions: Leconte de Lisle, "Cozza and Borgia", Emile Zola: "The Dram" (Part II, III-suite), Albert Merat: "Vertigo," Richard Wagner: "A foreign musician in Paris" Adelphe Froger: "Swallows", Edgar Allan Poe: "Premature Burial" [...]
120 €
First edition
La République des Lettres. Deuxième Série. Septième Livraison. 20 août 1876
Richard Lesclide, Paris 20 août 1876, In 8° (17 X 25 cm), broché.
first edition. Undercover blue paper, printed in red and black. Contributions of Emile Zola: "The Dram" (Part II-suite), Maurice Bouchor "The Sunset-Flowers" Poe "Premature Burial" Adelphe Froger "The Promeneuse" Alfred Naquet: "Victor Hugo", Felix Frank: "The Seasons," Henry Laujol "Bees" [...]
110 €
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