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Page 2 : Results 9 to 16 on 21 Books

Alfred de VIGNY

Servitude et grandeur militaires

Librairie des Bibliophiles, Paris 1885, In-8 (13,5x21,5cm), 287pp., relié.

Illustrated edition of a portrait with frontispiece and 6 etchings after Julien Le Blanc, engraved by Champollion. Title printed in red and black.
Binding half morocco brown antique corners. Back to Jansenist nerves. Title and date golden. Golden head.

300 €

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First edition

Alfred de VIGNY

Mémoires inédits. Fragments et projets

Gallimard, Paris 1958, 15,5x22,5cm, broché.

First edition, one of 550 numbered copies on vellum work, only leading copies.
Two ex-libris glued on a guard.
Nice copy.

50 €

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First edition, Signed book

Alfred de VIGNY

La maréchale d'Ancre

Charles Gosselin, Paris 1831, 14x22cm, relié.

The rare first edition.

Dark red morocco by Stroobants, the spine richly decorated with compartments and decorative tools in the Romantic style, date to foot of spine, triple gilt fillet frame to covers, gilt roulette frame to pastedowns, marbled endpapers, double gilt fillet to edges of [...]

5 000 €

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Alfred de VIGNY


Louis Hauman & Cie, Bruxelles 1835, 10x15,5cm, relié.

Contrefaçon belge parue la même année que l'originale et inconnue à Clouzot.
binding en demi chagrin marine, spine à cinq fins nerfs orné de filets noirs, plats de papier marbré, gardes et contreplats de papier à la cuve, tranches mouchetées, coins très légèrement [...]

100 €

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First edition

Alfred de VIGNY

Journal d'un poëte

Michel Lévy frères, Paris 1867, 11,5x18,5cm, relié.

first edition.
Binding half calf navy, back slightly thinned on four bands set with dotted gold decorated with double gilded coffered decorated golden jewels of corners, small traces of rubbings on spine, marbled paper boards, marginally discolored boards, guards and contreplats of handmade [...]

120 €

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Georges SCOTT, Alfred de VIGNY


Société artistique du livre illustré, Paris 1901, 15x23cm, relié.

Edition illustrated with 65 original compositions by Georges Scott woodcut by Eugene Dété, one of 350 numbered copies on vellum.
Bound in half red morocco, back with five nerves with a tear in the middle, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, preserved covers, gilded [...]

80 €

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Alfred de VIGNY

Les destinées, poèmes philosophiques

Léon Pichon, Paris 1930, 26,5x33,5cm, broché.

Handsome typographic edition, one of 290 numbered copies on Arches paper, the only printing after 20 on Japan paper.
A good copy.

80 €

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First edition, Signed book

Charles-Augustin SAINTE-BEUVE & Alfred de VIGNY

Lettres inédites publiées avec une introduction et des commentaires de Louis Gillet

Kra, Paris 1929, 15x20,5cm, broché.

First edition, one of 600 numbered copies on vellum, ours is not justified, the only leading copies.
beautiful autograph dedication of the author autograph signed by Louis Gillet poet Armand Godoy evoking Charles Baudelaire and Edgar Allan Poe
Frontispiece, a facsimile of an autograph [...]

50 €

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