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Page 2 : Results 9 to 16 on 25 Books

Alain-René LESAGE

Le diable boiteux. Corrigée et augmentée D'une journée des parques, avec Les entretiens serieux ...

Chez Dammonneville, à Paris 1756, In-16 (8,5x14cm), xij, 264pp. et (4) 265-360p. ; 224pp. et (4) 225-472p., 3 volumes reliés.

New edition
Binders full marbled and glazed vintage calfskin. Ornate smooth backs. Title and volume pieces in red morocco.

350 €

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Signed book

Alain-René LESAGE

Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane

Chez Lefèvre, Paris 1820, 15,5x23,5cm, 3 volumes reliés.

New edition annotated by the Count François de Neufchâteau of the French Academy and illustrated with 30 etchings out of text including 2 in two states by various artists including Desenne, Smirke and Fourke.
Binders in half red Russia leather with corners, back with five nerves adorned with [...]

300 €

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Alain-René LESAGE

Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane

Chez Ledentu, Paris 1816, 12,5x20cm, 4 volumes reliés.

New illustrated edition of a frontispiece and 16 engravings drawn by Clément-Pierre Marillier and engraved by Villerey.
Binders in half red Russian leather, smooth backs decorated with irons, nets, wheels and gilded lace, red paper plates imitation Russian leather.
Headdresses and cuts [...]

200 €

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Alain-René LESAGE

Le diable boiteux

Chez Pierre Van Cleef, à Londres 1755, In-12 (9,7x16,5cm), (12) 237pp. (2) ; (4) 220pp. (2), 2 tomes en un volume relié.

New edition, illustrated with a frontispiece and 12 pretty unsigned figures. Title pages in red and black. Good impression.
Binding full glossy brown calf contemporary. Back with nerves decorated. part of title in red morocco. lower joint open tail of 2 cm, otherwise fine copy, fresh.

400 €

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Alain-René LESAGE

Le bachelier de Salamanque, ou les memoires de D. Cherubin de la Ronda, tirés d'un manuscrit ...

Chez Pierre Gosse, à La Haye 1741, In-12 (9,5x17cm), (8) 378pp. (5) ; (2) 380pp. (4), relié.

New Edition, the original was published in 1736 and then in 1738 for his suite. Six figures, including a frontispiece, all unsigned.
Binding full glossy brown calf contemporary.

180 €

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Jean GIGOUX, Alain-René LESAGE

Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane

Paulin, Paris 1835, 18x27cm, relié.

Edition illustrated with original vignettes jean gigoux.
Binding in fir half morocco with corners, back with five richly decorated with boxes and gilded florets nerves, golden tail date gilded head on witnesses.
illustrated book, frontispiece, a portrait of the author on China and 600 [...]

300 €

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Alain-René LESAGE

Oeuvres de Lesage

Chez Antoine Augustin Renouard, à Paris 1821, 13,5x21,5cm, 12 volumes reliés.

New edition.
Binders of the time right calf camel, richements back adorned with nets and gilded finials, decorated coffered two frames triple gilt fillets, parts of title and volume numbers of black morocco, quadruple gold striping and cold boards lace frame, nets gilded on the cuts and caps, [...]

500 €

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Alain-René LESAGE


Etienne Ledoux, Paris 1828, 13,5x21,5cm, 12 volumes reliés.

Nouvelle édition illustrée d'une gravure en frontispice de chaque volume.
bindings en demi veau rouge à coins, spine à un nerf sertis d'une guirande dorée ornés d'arabesques romantiques noires et dorées, frises dorées en têtes et en queues, filets dorés en encadrement des [...]

750 €

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