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François RABELAIS Oeuvres de Maître François Rabelais


Oeuvres de Maître François Rabelais

Delarue, Paris s.d. (1877), 11,5x18cm, 6 volumes reliés en 3.

New edition collated on the original texts, one of the copies on China, deluxe edition.
Binders half red morocco with corners, back slightly thinned with five nerves, gilded in places tails, a joint with traces of friction, marbled paper plates, guards and contreplats of handmade paper, heads gilded on witnesses, blankets tomes 1.3 and 5 retained two corners bumped.
Illustrated book banners, initials and tailpieces.
Our copy is exceptionally enriched:
-a photograph pasted on a cover of the first volume
-An following a frontispiece, a portrait and 15 figures engraved and unsigned
-a portrait of publishing Furne
-A figure by double Devéria state
-from 4 vignettes by Duplessis-Bertaux
-from 3 figures by Eisen.
Some foxing.
Exemplary exceptionally enriched.
Nice copy.


Réf : 49719

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